Journey To The Drum Kit

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Part 2: A Road Made Of Messes

It was morning, and we were all up, with the light from the sun shining down. Okay not really but, technically it is. My three bandmates were all eating. Kyle was eating some Rice Krispies, Hickey was eating some toast, and Logan was eating a dead fish he found laying next to the water. "Hey everyone, how's it going?" I asked. "Hey, our buddy is here." Hickey responded. I sat down, while also being in a good mood. "So, what took you so long?" Kyle asked. "Getting up and getting ready for the day took longer than usual today, for some odd reason." I responded. "Well hey, that is more important than doing what I did." Logan said. "What did you do?" I asked. "Well, I was going to have cereal for breakfast, but I decided to go down to the water to look at the view, but I found this dead fish laying there, so I decided to bring it up here, and I was hoping no one would notice, but Kyle and Hickey asked me what that terrible stench was, so I told them about the fish, and then they decided to make me eat it as a punishment." Logan said. I was then impressed. "Well, seems like you two don't like fish." I said. We were all minding our own business, but then I remembered something. I remembered the dream I had last night. I didn't know if I should tell them because they might think I'm a twisted, morbid fuck. But I decided to tell them anyway. "Guys, I had a dream last night." I said. Everyone then looked at me with a concerned face. "What happened in it?" Kyle asked. I then had a grin on my face. Everyone then started laughing. "Dude, did you dream about something bad, like one of us having sex with each other?" Hickey asked. I then shook my head. "No, it was an awful dream." I responded. Everyone then looked concerned. "Why was it awful?" Logan asked. Kyle and Hickey then looked at him with a face of disappointment. "What, it could be anything." Logan said. I then sat up. "Well, I was standing in this black place, and my girlfriend came to me, and I started to get visions of me killing her and having sex with her, so then I started to beat her up for real, and then she looked at me and then I went on the floor and started crying." I responded. Everyone then had wide-eyed faces. "Yeah, this dude isn't normal." Logan said. "Well, we all have fucked up dreams." I said. Kyle then leaned back. "Man, if you have dreams like that, then you need to do something." Kyle said. I then quickly raised one eyebrow. "Well, I thought killing her was a good idea, so that is what I'm planning on doing." I said. "Oh my God." Everyone said. "Well, if you do go to jail after that, just make sure you don't drop any soap." Hickey said. Later that day, we left the hideout and we all walked around the city. "So, are we going to your apartment?" Logan asked. "Yes, that is what we are doing." I said. We were almost there. When we came in, the man at the front was looking fancy as usual. "So Guy, I see you brought some friends with you." The man at the front said. "Well, it's better to have people than to be all by yourself." I said. He then smiled. "Well, have fun." The man at the front said. "You too." I said. We then headed to the elevator. "And yeah, you might already know this, but my name is actually Guy." I said. We were then on the elevator. The music was very relaxing, but it sounded like something you would hear on Windows. Eventually, we made it to my floor. "Welp, this is the place." I said. We then went to my room. "Welcome to the palace of the great lord Guy, national room of the green." I said. When we went in, Hickey and Logan were wide-eyed. "Well, this looks like a homeless shelter." Hickey said. "Yeah, why does it look so strange?" Logan asked. "Well, I wanted to make this place as unique as possible, so I decided to destroy it to make it beautiful." I responded. "Well, it looks better than the gas station I went to in Zimbabwe." Logan said. "Well, let's get our instruments." I said. Me, Kyle, and Hickey all grabbed our instruments, but Logan, well, he seemed like he was lost. "Hey Logan, where is your instrument." I asked. Logan then gulped. "Well, I think I left my drum kit at my house." Logan said. Hickey then groaned, and I just started to laugh. "Well, just get a drum kit somewhere, it really doesn't matter." Kyle said. Logan then agreed. "Well, I'll just go to the local music store." Logan said. Logan then left. "And be quick!" I yelled. At The music store, Logan went to the first person he saw, and it was a drunk man. "Tell me where the drum kits are." Logan said. The man was then confused. "Um, we don't have any." The man said. Then Logan looked around. "But I see them over there." Logan said. "Look man, I come here every day, and I do the best I can, so I'm going to have to tell you to leave." The man said. "What!" Logan yelled. "Sorry, be more respectful, and then you can get your drum kit." The man said. The man then pulled out his phone. "Sir, this man here is disrespecting me, so can you bring two guards to pull him out." The man said. "Um, sir, I will do it now." The boss said. "Okay, thanks." The man said. A loud noise then came on the speakers. "Attention everyone in my lovely store, this man at the front was harassed by this fat looking dude, and I really think he is a problem in this city, so I need two security guards to bring him out because we don't want nuisances like him in here, and..." The boss was then interrupted. "What, oh no, my Nachos have been knocked over, oh, ummmm, yeah, just get him out, now what the fuck did you do this time you n... Oh, forgot the speaker was still on, oops." The boss said. Logan then looked at the man. "Well, your boss sounds terrible." Logan said. "Hey, he is a great part of this business." The man said. Logan then cringed. "Yeah, I don't think so." Logan said. The whole store then started to glow red, and two buff guards came to take Logan out. They then stood in front of him. "You see, we would beat you up, but then we would both be arrested for correctly helping out our boss, so we must pull you out." A guard said. The guards took Logan out. The guards then went back in. "Yeah take that, loser." A guard said. Logan became very mad. He got so mad, that he grabbed a rock and throwed it at the window. However, the window deflected it, and it ended up hitting the child care center and it made the whole building collapse. "Well, hope I don't get arrested for killing several sick children." Logan said. Logan needed a way to get in without anyone noticing. "Well, going through the doors will obviously not work, so I need another way to get in." Logan said to himself. "Oh wait, there is a way." Logan said to himself. Logan then went to the back of the store and decided to climb up to the roof. "Well, now I need to fall in." Logan said to himself. Logan then entered through the vent. However, he had a pretty loud landing. "Well, hopefully, no one heard that, and if they did, then they will think I'm those people in those weight loss posters." Logan said to himself. The guard looked at the vent. "There is a pretty big dent up there, should we look up there?" A guard said. "Nah, it's probably just a dead man." The other guard said. The drunk dude then went to where the guards were. "Someone is up there, I can feel it." The man said. Logan crawled through, and he saw the place he needed to go. "Great." Logan said. But then Logan felt like shooting himself when he saw the guards and the drunk dude at the drum area. "Oh goddammit, they are there as well." Logan said. But then Logan had a plan. Logan grabbed a rock that was in his pocket and throwed it at the guard's head. The guard noticed and then turned to the back. "Hey, who did that!" The guard yelled. "Well, instant regret in 3, 2, 1." Logan said. Logan then fell through. Luckily, no one noticed. Logan then turned around and saw the drum kit he needed. "Well, there it is, my new drum kit." Logan said. The guards then noticed him. "Hey, it's my worst enemy." The man said. Logan then turned around and saw the man. "Aw fuck you." Logan said. The guards and the man started charging at him, but then the military came out of nowhere and broke through everything, and they started shooting everything. "Uh oh." The man said. Logan then knew that havoc was going to happen. The men were shooting everywhere, the ceiling was falling, and they killed people and they pushed them to the ground. "Hey, get over here." The man said. Logan then looked at him. They walked over to each other. "Let's fight." The man said. "Okay, prepare to get a new Kentucky fried ass." Logan said. They both went into positions. Logan and the man both started fighting each other, they threw books at each other, they were punching each other, and they were walking on the walls while the military was shooting people. Eventually, the man and Logan revealed their true powers. Logan shot out fire, while the man shot out lightning. They were basically committing suicide, and Logan was making the place go on fire. "You see, your fire is ruining this place, and it will waste the millions of dollars we spent on here." The man said. "Yeah, I don't care." Logan said. They both continued. "You know what, stop!" Logan yelled. The military started killing more people. "You know what, I'm sorry." Logan said. The man then smiled. Logan and the man then walked up to each other and shook hands. "Sike." Logan said. Logan then grabbed onto the man and used him as a bullet shield. The military shot the man, and then Logan threw him against the wall. Logan then ran to his drum kit. "Well, time to get you out." Logan said. Logan then grabbed it and before he walked out, he saw a bunch of things. He saw the military dancing while some people were on hostage, the security guards were tied up, and one military man was sitting on a chair watching porn. "I think this place isn't normal." Logan said to himself. Logan then walked to the exit, but then a man came out of nowhere. It was the Joker. "Hello there, I was very impressed with your skills." The Joker said. "Why thanks." Logan said. The Joker then gave him a tape. "This is a porno tape, and you should watch it, it will give you a boner." The Joker said. Logan then looked at him with a concerned face. "Um, thanks, I will definitely watch this, I will make sure to put it on my bucket list." Logan said. The Joker then laughed. Logan then left the music store, and he saw the entire building in flames. "Well, maybe water would've been bet... You know what, no, that would've been worse." Logan said. Logan then left. Me, Kyle, and Hickey were all sleeping, while the TV was playing a show about gay people. Logan then opened the door. "I got my drum kit!!!!!" Logan yelled. We were all scared. "Jesus Christ you scared the living shit out of me!" Kyle yelled. We all took a while to be ready for a little jam session. "So, wanna jam?" Logan asked. "Sure, let's do it." I responded. We all played our instruments, and we did things like solos, riffs, and other cool shit. We were eventually done, but it was a blast. "Wow, that was awesome." Hickey said. "You know, we could make an awesome band." I said. "So, we done?" Logan asked. By the look on our faces, you could tell how we were all tired. "Welp, it was fun playing with y'all." I said. We put our instruments away. "I'll be right back, I will just get something to drink." I said. "Okay see you later." Logan said. Kyle and Hickey then looked outside." Why is there smoke out there?" Hickey asked. "Oh shit." Logan said. I went to the vending machine to get some water. I decided to hum Crazy Rap just for fun because, why not? But then I looked over and saw this woman who was standing all by herself. I decided to talk to her. "Hi what's your name?" I asked her. She then looked at me. "It's Julia." She responded. "Why are you standing out here?" I asked. She then sighed. "My room got flooded  with shit." Julia responded. I laughed, and then she laughed. "Say, you look quite pretty." I said. "Thanks, do you wanna marry me or something?" Julia asked. I then laughed again. "Maybe one day." I responded. "You know, I think you're a really cool person, and the funny thing is that we just met." I said. "Well, you seem cool too." Julia said. I then went to my room. "Hey what's your name?" Julia asked. I then turned around. "It's Guy, and yes, that is my actual name." I responded. "Well, I hope we meet again." Julia said. "Well, I hope I see you again too." I said. I then went back into my room. "Oh come on guys, what are you doing?" I asked. "We are playing catch the dolphin shit with the bucket." Hickey responded. We all laughed after Logan slid through his own shit. "Well, clean your mess up after you're all done playing." I said.

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