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The battle raged on around him. Hexes were flying left and right, but that wasn't what Fred Weasley was focused on. One phrase kept repeating itself inside his head.

"It's my fault. It's all my fault. I'm no better than Percy."

For indeed, it was Fred's fault that Voldemort and his Death Eaters were at Hogwarts today. A couple months ago, he had been cornered in Diagon Alley by Death Eaters. In fear of his life, he had been forced to make an Unbreakable Vow to tell them when he got word of Harry Potter's whereabouts. So, when Neville had sent the message to the D.A., Fred had no choice but to pass it on. 

And now there was a huge battle happening. People were dying left and right. There was nothing Fred could do to stop the overwhelming feeling of guilt.

Apologizing was never Fred's strong suit. He had never really apologized for anything that he and George had gotten into. So naturally, he couldn't bring himself to apologize for this.

From the moment Fred had given word to Voldemort, he had been thinking of a way to get away. He decided to, instead of facing his family and Harry, he would run away. Fake his death. He just needed the right moment to do it. 

He was fighting alongside Percy, and they had met up with the Golden Trio. Fred took it upon himself to take down as many of the Death Eaters as possible. 

"Hello Minister!" Percy's voice cut through the sounds of curses firing. "Did I mention I'm resigning?"

Fred was amazed, never in a million years did he expect Percy to make a joke, but the baffled look on the Minister's face was proof enough. It was right then that he realized that his family would be okay without him.

"You're joking!" Fred shouted, while taking down another traitor. "You're actually joking Perce! I don't think I've heard you joke since you were-"

The world suddenly exploded around them, stopping his sentence. Fred was startled and used the time-slowing spell that he and George had invented. This spell basically just slowed down time so it moved at quarter speed, but only for him. This gave Fred time to get away from the collapsing wall, and pull Harry away to safety as well. He took this distraction as the right time to leave.

Quickly, he transfigured a nearby Death Eater's body and clothes to match his, and positioned it under some rubble. With one last glance at Percy and Ron, both in the middle of falling to the ground, Fred turned to Harry. He had no doubt that Harry would be able to defeat Voldemort and that everything would be okay, but he still wouldn't be able to deal with himself if it didn't.

In the same second, Fred sped time back up and apparated away, tears already pricking at his eyes.

He was in some random forest now, and collapsed onto the floor, sobbing his eyes out. He cried for his family, and for the life that he could never go back to. He cried for his home, and the thought that his family would think he was dead. 

George. Oh Poor George! He would have to life the rest of his life thinking his twin brother died. Fred had it a little better, he knew George would be okay, but his twin would never have that satisfaction.

Fred then remembered the physic connection he had with George. Since they were little, they had been able to communicate telepathically. They could talk to each other and sense each other's emotions. As they got older, the twins had discovered that they could even see and hear what the other was seeing or hearing. It was what made their pranks so successful. He had to make an effort to shut it off, to be sure that George would never be able to talk to him again.

As the connection was forced off, Fred felt something break inside of him, he felt as though a part of him was missing and knew that George was feeling the same thing. 

It hurt him and he sobbed even more. He was there for a long time, before he decided that it was time to start his new life. Time to forget everything he knew and start over.


What do you think? I think this is a much better alternative than Fred dying. For a while, I have been wanting to write something like this, but I couldn't think of a reasonFred would leave his family. Don't worry, eventually Fred will go back to his family, but as for right now, this is how it is.

Please review, I will appreciate both good and bad comments. Vote and share if you like it! Thanks for reading!

Love Ya.

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