Diagon Alley

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Fred stood at the entrance to Diagon Alley. It looked so much livelier and happier than it had when he had last seen it. There were tons of happy people milling around, going about their business. It was nothing like the desolate, scary place it was during the war. It even looked like most of the businesses opened back up. There was Ollivander's, Flourish and Blott's and even Madam Malkin's. At the end of the Alley was Gringotts. That is where Fred pointed his family.

Georgie looked around in awe of everything. The magic was practically visible in the air, from people levitating their bags  behind them, to a rare Animagus transforming into an owl. There were even two people flying around on broomsticks. Sofia held her son's hand and continued to look amazed as she followed her husband.

As Fred neared a little split in the Alley, he had to make an extra effort to not look in the direction he wasn't going. It took every fiber of his being to continue on the path to Gringotts. He knew that if he turned his head just a little bit too much, he would see his joke shop. He wanted to go there so bad, but at the same time, he didn't want to. He hurried by but not before George caught sight of the colorful, fun, storefront.

"What's that store dad?" George asked, pointing. Fred didn't even glance over there.

"That's a joke shop," Fred said, tears almost coming through his eyes. "I promise you can go in there later."

George took one look at his dad and became concerned. "What's wrong?"

"That shop is the one that my twin brother and I opened," Fred couldn't help but smile. "It was our dream. I'm glad he kept it open."

"If you're not ready to go there, I can just take George in," Sofia offered.

"I know," Fred ran his hand through his hair as his family neared the bank. "Here we are. Follow my lead. The goblins running the place can be grumps. I suggest you don't stare."

"Goblins?" Sofia and George asked at the same time, one horrified, and one amazed.

Fred nodded and led them inside. He chuckled at his son, who was making an over-exaggerated effort to keep his eyes off of the goblins. Fred decided that he wouldn't open up a vault, as that would mean giving names. He walked up to the goblin in charge of exchanging money.

"Hello, I would like to exchange muggle money please," he said, slapping some money on the counter.

"How much?" the goblin asked. George's jaw dropped.

After Fred got all the details worked out, he led his family out and stopped in his tracks. Sitting on the steps outside the bank was Harry Potter himself. He looked older than he had last time Fred saw him, and much happier too. He appeared to be waiting for someone, and a little redhead girl about the age of 7 was sitting next to him pouting. 

"Daddy, how come I can't go on the bank ride, but Albie can?" The little girl whined. Fred started, Harry Potter had kids? 

"Because, it can be dangerous and you're not old enough," Harry explained gently. "I'm not allowed to go either. The goblins don't like me very much." Fred snorted, of course the goblins don't like him, Harry Potter broke into Gringotts. The snort caught the Boy-who-Lived's attention and he glanced in Fred's direction.

"Hello," Harry said, nodding to Fred and his family.

"Hi," Fred nodded. "I see your kid is a redhead! Mine is too!" Idiot. Why was Fred talking to Harry? This just gave a bigger opportunity for Harry to recognize him.

"Yeah," Harry smiled. "She gets it from her mother." Fred could tell that Harry was not really in the mood for talking to strangers, he probably thought that Fred was paparazzi. But the little girl did want to talk.

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