The Truth in His Words...

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"Say Kaori-chan, wanna go eat at the cafe with me?"

Kaori's expression brightened instantly, "Okay! Ranpo-san did you wanna come too?" She asked. But Ranpo shook his head.

"Nah, you go have fun. I'll wait for you to come back." 

Kaori nodded and grabbed Atsushi's hand as they made their way out of the office. She ignored Remy' s expression....

Ignored her father's sad face...

As Atsushi closed the door behind them he sighed. Kneeling down to look at Kaori. 

"Are you gonna yell at me?"

"...No...I can't ever get mad at you." He smiled, patting Kaori's head.

"I'm sorry Atsushi..."

"It's fine Kaori, I understand why you're acting this way....but...don't you wanna give her a chance? I don't think Dazai-san would ever fall in love with anyone but your mother."

"......." Kaori glanced down at the floor. So Atsushi could tell...that she was worried about that.


"Okay...I'll try be nicer..." she mumbled.

Atsushi nodded and hugged her. But he knew that she was still worried about it....worried her father will leave her and the memories of her mother..

"Lets go, I know you wanna eat the cafes famous truffle cake right now." Atsushi smiled, as he took Kaori's hand again.



"Kaori are you sure you'll be okay?" Dazai asked, as he finished getting dressed. Kaori nodded as she flipped the page of her book.

"I'm fine."

Dazai stared at his daughter for a moment, "Is there something you want to tell me?"

Kaori clenched her book a little more tightly. Trying not to look at her father. If anything, she wanted to ask him to stay..

Stay and play board games with her....

Play games on her new game system...

Read stories together...

Sing songs till they fell asleep..

Like they always would...

"....No...have fun.." 

Dazai nodded and was about to make his way to the door...

"Augh!" Kaori turned around to see her dad clenching his chest, his face showing he was in pain.

"Daddy!" She dropped her book and ran to him, touching his face gently as she tried to figure out what was wrong.

"Daddy! What's wrong!? Please tell me-," but to her shock, Dazai grabbed her and pulled her close to him. Her head on his shoulder while his was on her shoulder. 


" just...seemed to be ignoring I lied a little.." Dazai moved back to look down at his daughter.


"Are you mad at me?"

Kaori blinked before looking down, "No..."

"Are you sad?"


"....Is it because of Remy-chan?" Kaori flinched, as she tried hard not to look at her father. But her silence already gave him the answer.

(Osamu Dazai x Reader) The Choice...(SEQUEL)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz