↳ traitor

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"I guess I always knew that someone would fuck something up someday... I just... I just didn't think that someone would be me or that someday would be today..." She started tiredly, running her hand through her hair.

"I know... I should have said something sooner... I shouldn't have assumed there'd always be someone with a secret worse than mine... I shouldn't have taken my credibility for granted... I... I don't know... I really..." She paused for what felt like hours. Sighing, she reopened her eyes after closing them for a few seconds.

"Look, the truth is, I'm... scared. Scared of people coming after me now that she's gone, scared of what secrets I might uncover now that people are starting to talk, and most of all, I'm scared of things never going back to the way they were..." She finished, her heart clinging on the faintest flicker of hope that the man she considered her only ally in this world full of traitors would tell her that they would go through it together, that everything would be okay. But deep down, she knew it wasn't.

What she did not know, however, was how the trembling hand of her interlocutor was slowly reaching for the cold metal gun resting on the side of his leg hidden by the table, while he was watching her intently with a pitiful look on his breathtaking face.

Midnight thoughtsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن