"The Lenny Style" (Origins Arc)

Start from the beginning

Ghost released a breath of amusement, "You don't know how deep this goes, agent...my organization's connections reaches almost every corner known to man on this planet..."

"What's that supposed to --" her voice suddenly came to a halt as she pulled out two final pictures...one of herself...and one of her partner, "These last two pictures..."

There was silence on the other line for a bit, "...This is my final warning, agent...you've got the intel your government needs, take it and get out of here, before tomorrow comes. Goodbye."

As the call is cut, Natasha takes the phone from her ear and leans back in her seat as Clint continues to look through the documents.


Looking down at the rose on the table, Natasha picks it up and slowly twirls it in her hand before bringing it to her nose and inhaling.

"So...what do we do now?" Clint asks now, "We technically have what we came for, Nat...you've got the final call..."

As Barton leans forward on the table looking towards the Black Widow, the red headed woman couldn't help but look down towards the rose in her hand.


December 1st, 2007



1200 hours

As mid-day was upon the once great city of Budapest, the blocks around the office of parliament was currently barricaded away from the public.

Protesters lined the streets as they all screamed at the limousines that passed them by. Each car containing a mayor from a neighboring city that was Pro-War against the UN.

Inside of the Mayor's office itself, the Mayor of Budapest currently had a glass of scotch in his hand as he looked outside of his window at the cars approaching.

"A mai nap," the Mayor said as he downed his drink and moved away from his window. (Today's the day)

The seven foot tall man from before, Ravana, tapped onto an earpiece he currently had on, "Mindenki bejelentkezik." (Everyone, check in )

Guards that littered around the various parts of the Mayor's all then began checking in.

Men at the front of the Parliamentary building tapped onto their earpieces as well.

Men inside of the building itself began checking in.

Snipers situated at the tops of the buildings began checking in.

And finally, the men inside of the meeting rooms began checking in as well.

Currently residing on one of the large buildings overlooking the entire street, Ghost, whom had a similar earpiece, smirked as he looked to his side to see a knocked out guard that was meant for sniping.

Taking the earpiece out of his ear, the assassin took out his own personal headset and placed them into his ears as he dialled a number on his phone.

The call rang twice before someone picked up, "Idenfication number, please."

The assassin spoke, "I.D. number 180360070, codename..Ghost."

"Identity...confirmed, is it time, Ghost?" the female voice answered.

"Not yet, Veronica," Ghost said as he dug into a black duffel bag and began assembling his custom black British L96a1 Sniper Rifle.

However, as he took out the magazine to load into the sniper rifle, it seemed slightly different from the usual ones he were accustomed to.

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