The after mass

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The next morning, the whole house was awakened by a scream. Everyone ran to the source to find Narcissa bleeding from her arm or the place her arm was suppose to be. Tom looked at the babies to find her arm by a bloodied breanna and crying drava. Narcissa stairs at Tom and Lucius before passing out from blood lose. Tom floats her to the med wing, while Lucius calms the toddlers down. Lucius shots a cleaning spell at Breanna before she can cuddle Drava. Once Breanna was cuddling Drava they fell back to sleep. Lucius left the room and sighed." I have Severus and the crow twins watching her. Did the girls go back to sleep?" Tom says as he walks towards Lucius. Lucius to tired to speak nodded." I am going back to sleep as well, goodnight Tom." With that said Lucius walked back to his room, changed and fell asleep. Tom chuckled at his old friend and went back to the med wing to talk to the others.

Tom's pov

As I enter the med wing I see a tied down Narcissa trying to shout at me. She throws her body forward and almost ripped her last arm off. Severus is reading a potion book as the twins play exploding snap. Severus spares a glance at her and redid the spell holding her in place." Hello Tom, what do you need?" Severus says as he shuts his book." I was bored and Lucius went to bed." I replied. He nods and cast a tempest." Makes sense it is midnight." The twins when they hear that they say they need to go to sleep because they need to do something tomorrow. Leaving me, Severus and Narcissa. Narcissa seems to have passed out at some point. I decided to tease sev." So planig on asking Luc out or just his your feelings?" I tease out of the blue. He skeaked and stuttered out a I dont know. He was as bright as an apple. I laughed as he throw his book at me.

That is it for this chapter thanks for reading

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