Chapter 18

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Shanghai, China

Lex walked beside Jason through the market, "Jason, you can't trust my father. He gave you that map for a reason, and now you're leading him right to the stone."

"I'm not working for your father or anyone else."

"Then why does the stone even matter to you?" Lex asked with a raised eyebrow looking back and seeing two cops

" 'Cause until I find out, Lana's not gonna be safe."

"Safe from what?" Lex asked stepping closer to Jason

"From my mom, from Lionel, from you. I don't know, Lex, you tell me." Jason said as Lex looked up and saw the police officers still staring at him and Jason

"Look, unless you hired your own Chinese security, I think we've hit a bit of a snag. Run!" Lex said before he and Jason ran amd cops pursued them shouting in chinese

They ducked when the cops opened fire before turning a corner and running into a dead end before they were surrounded with 2 jeeps flashing lights and blocking them in so they put their hands up as the cops shouted at them,

Naruto's Jet

Naruto after leaving a clone behind for when Barry returns to begin his training was on the jet with Lana with a map she got from Lionel of all people, "How did Lionel know these symbols were about you?"

"There are two answers to that question, and they're both three time zones away." Lana snapped as Naruto raised an eyebrow, "Um, I'm sorry. I-I feel like you're the only person in my life right now who doesn't have an agenda."

"Lana, I know that you're under a lot of stress and I can't tell you how to live your life. So I will say do what you feel is best for you, cause you have to live with your decisions. I'm always open to help when you want me to though."

Lana smiled and laid her head on Naruto's shoulder, "I just hate the fact that everybody seems to know more about me than I do."

"It must be scary to think that someone out there has a plan for you, but you don't know what it is yet." Naruto said

"Ever since that tattoo appeared, I feel like I've been walking around with this huge secret. Like, everybody only knows what's on the surface, but there's something inside of me that's so much more powerful. I guess I actually understand a little bit about how you felt all those years you hid what you could do in Smallville.'

Lana sighed, "So what's the plan?" She asked

'Find the stone before Lex and Jason does and then you have a conversation with your boyfriend about trust." Naruto said laying back on the couch with his head in her lap and she began to comb her fingers through his hair

'Why are we in your jet again?"

"Just because I can fly us there doesn't mean I should, Lana. How would we explain how we got to China in 2 minutes when CCTV cameras in New York had you coming into my building." Naruto said

Lana shook her head

Shanghai, China

Jason and Lex were in a dark cell waiting to see what was in store for them, "Well, boss, got any idea what we're doing here?"

"Well, since they took the map and brought us to the temple, I'm guessing they're after the same thing we are." Lex said

"You're pretty anxious to make me your sidekick, aren't you?" Jason asked

"Don't you think it's time we dropped the stalemate of who knows what, and do whatever we can to get out of here?" Lex asked

"If you want us to start spilling our guts, you go first." Jason beckoned

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