Chapter 2: Metamorphosis

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Naruto doesn't know that he can travel dimensions, since his father was still trying to fully understand the Speed Force, himself, and he doesn't know the right frequency for his home dimension. But Oliver, and Barry do exist on the Smallville verse,

Story Start

Lana entered her room with a small smile, as she took off her tiara, looking at the headpiece caused her to frown as her thoughts drifted to Whitney, she couldn't believe that he'd do that to Nate. They needed to have a long talk.

Putting the tiara in her bottom dresser where other tiaras, and awards were she closed it before her attention went to the lead box, opening it she saw her necklace, and sighed, she never knew that Nate was allergic to it, and prolonged exposure could prove fatal, making a decision to not wear it as much, she put the necklace up, and turned to her bed, where she raised an eyebrow upon seeing a golden colored box sealed with a blue ribbon. Removing the ribbon and opening the box she was surprised when a group of butterflies came flying out.

Outside within a tree a teenager smiled as he shut down his camera and began to climb down the tree, having had his fill of spying on Lana, before he began his trek to his car

Arriving at his home the young man walked through the door and frowned as he heard something that he shouldn't, as he peaked around the corner of the living room his attention was held on what was playing on the TV, his recording of Lana and Whitney, from one of his stalking trips.

"Is this what you do with your time now Greg?"

Greg looked to his mother who held a few more tapes in her hand.

"Where did you get those?" Greg asked walking forward and snatching the tapes

"Where do you think? In that hole you call a room." Greg's mom glared

"You had no right to go in there." Greg spat

"You want to talk to me about privacy. I am in the Garden Club with Lana's aunt. How am I going to face Nell knowing that my own son is going around videotaping her niece? Is that where you were tonight?" Greg's mom asked glaring at her son

"No." Greg lied, before with a scoff he turned off the tv, and looked to his mom as he retrieved his tape "I was out collecting."

"Two disgusting habits." his mom said as he made his way to his paused and looked at her

"Insects aren't disgusting Mom." Greg said before his mom walked closer to him

"Look what has become of you Greg. This isn't you."

"People change." Greg frowned

"Really? Monday morning I'm phoning Claremont Military Academy." Greg's mother said walking off

"Yeah, right." Greg scoffed dismissively

"No, Greg. I've had it with your behavior; this time I'm making the call."

"Hey, who's going to take care of my bugs?!" Greg shouted as his mom left

Getting no answer he himself headed up to his room which was littered with tanks holding bugs. Hitting the lights on one particular case revealed several butterflies within it that flew around the cramped space for a few moments before settling down. Reaching into his backpack he withdrew a new jar containing fireflies which oddly enough held a green glow to them. Not long later he was once again on the road with his car loaded up with bugs that he was in the process of transporting elsewhere. A deep pothole had him swerving across the road causing the jars to fall and shatter releasing the bugs which quickly began to swarm, and attack him causing him to crash into a tree and scream aloud in pain

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