Chapter 17

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Few Days Later, Naruto's Home

It's been a few days since Powerman told Humanity he didn't owe them shit and didn't care if they liked him or not, of course people had things to say but he didn't feed into it, he kept doing what he always did, help those in need.

Naruto didn't go into work today and was still home, Naruto1 and Lyta were in her apartment as a wall burst open as they fell through it naked with Lyta falling onto her stomach as Naruto1 placed his fist down onto the floor beside her head and continued to fuck her from behind,

Naruto and Lyta had fallen back into each others lives easily, sparring like they used to, and hanging out in different parts of the world along with hot passionate or wild sex depending on the mood,

Nyssa was in her bed biting her bottom lip as she wrote down calculations in her notepad, "Nar, im trying to concentrate.' Nyssa said lifting her blanket up as Naruto2 laid between her legs with his tongue deep inside of womanhood before he pulled away and crawled up to her while dragging his tongue up her body before he kissed her deeply as his cock rubbed along her pussylips and her clit

"So am I." Naruto smirked

"I'm serious. Human technology is so primitive, I have to go back to some of our Krypton's old tech to try to catch them up."

"Seriously?" Naruto2 asked

Nyssa smiled before in a blur of speed she put him on his side and spooned with him before she put his cock up her asshole causing the two to moan, "Help me with this." She moaned as Naruto2 kissed her cheek and wrapped his arms around her as they began to grind their hips against each other

The Original Naruto was with Cyn sitting in the kitchen watching her lip sing Beyonce songs with a wooden spoon in hand as he smiled recording her with his phone,

A clone as Powerman appeared behind him and flew out the window as Naruto kept his focus on Cyn who paused and smiled at Naruto before she walked up to him and kissed him, "I love you." She said

Naruto smiled as he placed his phone down and hugged her close, "I love you." He said kissing her cheek and placing his face in the crook of her neck, and began to hum the Barney I love you song causing her to giggle

"Idiot.' Cyn said before the building began to shake but seals appeared on the wall and the shaking stopped, "Seems your clone is really giving it to Lyta." Cyn said

"They'll be busy for a while burning off excess energy. Right now I'm with you, and my attention is solely on you." Naruto said getting a kiss from her in response


A fire was making its way toward a ship wirh fire fighters fighting the blaze before Powerman arrived and landed beside the cheif, "What can I do, Chief?"

"That ship's holding almost a million barrels of crude oil."

"And If the fire reaches it, it's gonna go off like a two ton bomb." Powerman said looking around, "Tugboat?" He asked

"Won't get here in time."

"Okay, pull your men back." Powerman said

The cheif gave the order as Powerman walked forward as the fire fighters ran passed him out of the way, and once the last one passed Powerman took a deep breath and blew a strong gust of wind that snuffed out the flames

Naruto's Home

Naruto and Nyssa kissed deeply as Cyn and Lyta sucked on his dick, buzzing caused the three to groan in annoyance, "Gideon?" Naruto called

"Kara Zoe-El is at the door." Gideon announced

Nyssa and Lyta frowned heavily as Naruto sighed, before in a flash of speed he had on pants and vibrated through the floor,

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