Chapter 15

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It's been 3 months since everyone found out what happened to Chloe, and for her own safety, they thought it best to not go looking for her.

After Lana told Naruto and Cyn about her missing time and tattoo they began to help her uncover why it appeared on her.

Leaving Metropolis, Naruto and Cyn headed to Midvale to meet the Danvers family and they were alright people that reminded him of Johnathan and Martha a lot though they were a family of scientists instead of farmers.

Heading back to Metropolis the two just enjoyed each others company, crime was nonexistent in Metropolis as regular criminals didn't want to run up against Powerman, and there haven't been any metahumans in town,

Currently, Naruto was in his office working on ideas for his new energy with the clean energy reactor he had installed a month ago after taking Kent Industries and his home completely off the power grid,

"Sir. Are you sure you wish to create another Omegahedron and Alphahedron?" Gideon asked

"In the aspect of powering Metropolis, yes. The orbs will only function as a source of clean energy nowhere near the scale of the one's on Krypton." Naruto said before an alert went off causing him to blink, "Gideon?"

"Shortly after take-off, Metropolis Airlines, Flight 237 bound for Geneva, began experiencing some loss of altitude."

"Cyn.' Naruto said wide-eyed before in a blitz's of lightning he flew out the window

Cyn had been preparing this trip to a fundraiser out in Geneva for weeks, and when she boarded she had been surprised that Alex Danvers was on the plane, apparently she had a convention in Geneva, the two had been making plans to get to know each other better when the first engine exploded and panic ensued,

Lex stood in his office as he along with the people of Metropolis watched, but Lex grew worried as he saw the plane lose another engine before it began to lose altitude quicker and was now on track to crashing through his office

Powerman flew toward the plane as an flaming engine was detached and came toward him but a backhand sent the engine out into the sea before he flew beneath the plane and placed his back against it and had his chakra stick his hands to it before he began to vibrate his body along with the plane

Everyone gasped in horror as the plane struck the building but watched in awe as it went completely through LexCorp with damaging the plane or the building as it began to ascend and the news copters and police helicopters shined their spotlights onto Powerman causing cheers as he flew the plane safely above the city back to the airport

Flying around to the door, Powerman ripped it off its hinges and entered, "Is everyone alright?" He asked only to be met by cheers

Emergency services had been en route soon as Powerman began to fly toward the airport and arrived to help anyone injured, news footage showed Powerman helping any way he could the ambulances and the airport employees before he flew off,

Morning, Diner

A man watched as the news recounted last night's events and grunted before he left, and headed to his rig, before he looked around and proceeded to enter the rig and walked to a computer at the back, "What happened with the plane, Vartox? You were ordered to bring it down."

"Our trap worked. The DEO agents were on board and the bomb detonated." Vartox frowned

"Then why aren't they dead?" The man asked

"Nar flew into the sky and caught the plane." Vartox spat in distaste,

"We knew that making a move in Metropolis there was a high possibility he would get in the way."

Nathaniel Kentحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن