17• |Defunct hope|

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"Fine, come in." Nandini said and opened her door wide open to let Randhir inside. She, then, shut the door to have some privacy as she anticipated that Randhir needed that.

"Say!" Nandini asserted while Randhir turned to face her from near the balcony door in Nandini's hotel room.

"The last time we talked about your parents, you told me that they want us to plan our wedding. What about that?" Randhir questioned making Nandini utterly confused. They clearly had broken up two months after that conversation so why would he be thinking about it now-Nandini did not understand.

"The last time we talked about our relationship, we said that things are over for good between us. So, what wedding are you talking about?" Nandini was genuinely puzzled so she asked him that in disbelief.

"So, you've told them about our break-up?" Randhir questioned. Nandini could see the disappointment on his face as if he had lost his final hope for them.

"I haven't seen them in eleven months so I did not get a chance to tell them. I am about to tell them this time, though." Nandini informed him.

"Why don't you hold off in telling them about our split?" Randhir questioned with a hopeful gaze. Nandini passed him a ridiculous look.

"Why should I?" Nandini replied his question with another question.

"When we were together, your folks were pushing us to get married, like all the time. If you go and tell them that we broke up then don't you think they'll try to set you up with one of their friends' sons? You hate arranged marriages. I know that you would not want that, right?" Randhir quizzed, doubtfully.

"Randhir, look, I know that I said, we could be friends and this could be you simply being concerned for me but to me it feels like you are trying to manipulate my situation and use it to your advantage, right now. And, believe me, I do not want to resent you or your intentions behind saying anything to me so, I beg you to stop whatever it is that you are doing. They are my parents and I will decide what I wanna tell them or not tell them, okay?" Nandini spoke to him with utter honesty. She still cared for Randhir and she did not wish to end up in a place where she hates him so she preferred to be transparent with him.

"Nandini, I'd never do that to you. I admit that this could be a sad attempt from my side to win you back but I'm definitely not trying to manipulate you." the look on Randhir's face while he said that, melted Nandini's heart. No matter how much far she went away from Randhir, a part of her would always be soft for him. She did not intend to upset him but her indifference had managed to hurt him, deeply.

"I'm sorry! Can we please not make this one trip about us? I want to enjoy my brother's wedding which also happens to be one of our closest friends' wedding as well. It would be better if we maintain some distance so it isn't hard for either of us." Nandini suggested. She did not know how else to say this to Randhir.

"I'm talking about winning you back and you are asking me to keep distance from you. Do you have any idea, how difficult it is for me to see Manik around you, this way?" Randhir said making Nandini palm her forehead in disbelief. Nandini was afraid that he might say this because of their car ride till the resort where Manik and she chatted about literally anything and everything while Randhir stayed mum, witnessing the two of them bond.

"This again! God! At this point, even if something was going on between Manik and me, I don't think it should be any of your business. I cannot keep having this same fight over and over again with you." Nandini rambled as she paced to and fro in her room with her face buried in her hands.

MaNan- 5 Years Later...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin