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April is always easy to find. The second I start to look for her, she always appears. Maybe she's magic.

"April," I say, waving a hand to get her attention. 

She notices me and walks over with a smile on her face. "Lelia, are you all packed and ready to go? I can bring your things to the door if you are."

"I am, but I just wanted to spend some time with you." She looks at me, slightly confused. "My grandfather told me to say goodbye to anyone I had become friends with, and I knew I wanted to at least get to talk with you before I left. You've been so kind to me since the moment you met me. I wanted to thank you."

April gives me a soft smile. "Oh, well, you were easy to befriend, and you're very sweet yourself. It's no wonder the young master took such a quick liking to you."

I blush, and she giggles. "Well, he hasn't even said hello to me today, so I think we're in a weird place."

She nods, still smiling. "Teenagers tend to find themselves in odd predicaments when it comes to love. Can I offer you a piece of advice?" I nod and she walks me over to the couch. "Here, sit." We turn to face each other and she takes my hands. "Men tend to think they need to prove themselves to earn a woman's affection, but the young master already feels that he has to prove so much to everyone else. Maybe you should prove to him that you're a strong young woman, and that you can handle yourself. It may take some time, but you're both still very young. Plus, I don't see the young master accepting any arranged marriages any time soon." She smiles at me. "Make use of your grandfather's lineage, and become his heir. Show the young master that he doesn't need to worry about you."

I look down at our hands, and she squeezes them. "I don't even know how to speak Italian."

April sends me a half smile half smirk. "You understand it well enough, I've seen you keep up with the conversations that the young master and the master have in Italian. I'm sure your grandfather would love to teach you."

Maybe I should become his heir, then I could do whatever I want, and be whoever I want.

She stands up and gives me a hug. "I'd love to continue and chat, but I have to go make sure everything is ready for your departure. I'll see you again before you leave, so don't say goodbye, yet." I nod and she walks away from me, leaving me deep in thought on the couch. 

Noon arrives quicker than I thought it would, and soon, I'm arm in arm with my grandfather, walking out the front door of the Giordano household. Everyone is outside, even the servants. This is way too grand of an exit. I figured we'd just be saying goodbye to the Giordanos themselves, but no. This is what April had meant by getting everything ready.

My grandfather walks me over to Lorenzo. "Lorenzo, I thank you again for taking care of my granddaughter. If ever you need the assistance of the Vittori family, don't hesitate to ask."

"Of course." Lorenzo says, bowing his head deeply. "I hope she finds happiness with you in Italy." He smiles at me. "Don't forget me too quickly. I'd love to hear from you about how you're doing there."

I smile at him. "I'll be sure to write every now and again." He nods, and next is Gabe.

Gabe immediately pulls me into a hug. Sometimes I swear he doesn't know if he's a child, or a mischievous teenager. "I'll miss you, Lelia. I won't have near as much fun picking on Alex without you here." I laugh. 

"Of course you'd only want me to stay so you'll have ammo." I hug him back. "Behave, okay? I want to hear that you've grown up into a fine young man one day."

Gabe pulls away and scoffs at me. "I'm always going to be the rascal of the family. Someone's gotta do it, and it definitely isn't going to be Alex."

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