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"Hey, how are you today?" I walk through the hallway, listening to people's conversations.

Everyone's so happy, and carefree. How can it always be so noisy on a Wednesday morning? Half of these people don't even rely on caffeine to be so alive.

I step into my homeroom and set the folder of announcements for my class on the teacher's desk, then pull out my roll call sheet. I sit down at the podium to the side of the room and begin filling out the chore list for the week. 

"Lelia, hey, could I ask for a favor?" I look up to see Claire giving me a fake smile, so I give her one back. 

"What is it, Claire?" She looks a little irritated, but fights to keep the smile on her face. Pfft, like I'd fall for such a sad excuse of a smile. 

She props a hand on her hip. "Well, you see, my dad has to go to Chicago this week, and so I'll have to take the bus to and from school." I stare at her with a blank expression, plus a smile. I have no idea what this has to do with chores. "I was hoping you wouldn't give me any chores, since I've never had to use busses before, I'm not too sure when they run." She's just trying to get out of chores. "I don't want to miss one and have to end up staying an hour at some random bus station. I could get kidnapped." She finishes her story.

I tilt my head to the side, giving her a deeper smile. "I'll make sure I only give you lunch time chores then, since you won't have to worry about a bus then. Thank you for telling me."

Claire's smile drops, and she's about to argue when the teacher walks in. She gives me a glare, then goes to her desk. 

I return to my work, and even send a nod to our teacher. He's a young teacher, but he's not the kind that makes a girl want to have a scandal. Instead, he's the kind that sleeps with men. "Good morning." He says with a joyful smile. It's probably the fact that he's past puberty and doesn't have raging hormones that he's able to be so happy. 

"Good morning, sir." I say, looking at my papers.

He sighs. "I'm not trying to draw out information, Lelia."

I grit my teeth, because I know he's nice, and I'm just moody. "Sorry, I know you're not." I smile at him. It's small, and I can barely make it, but it's still a smile. 

He takes a seat at his desk and opens the folder I had put there, and I go back to filling out the chores list. A couple of minutes before the bell rings, I place the chore list on the cork board at the back of the room, then I find my seat. 

I listen to the lecture and take notes, but I don't really participate in class. My grades are exceptional, but my dad would accept nothing less. At the end of class, an administrator knocks on the door. 

"Yes, come in." The teacher, Mr. Hill says. 

Her blue eyes look around the classroom until they see me. "Yes, I'd like to borrow Miss Viticello."

I squint in curious distrust. What on earth could they possibly need me for? 

"Of course, Lelia." He nods, motioning for me to follow the administrator. "One of your classmates will let you copy their notes later, I'm sure."

I stand. He shouldn't even attempt it. None of them will give them to me anyways. "Yes sir." The administrator watches me walk to her, and I fight the urge to give her a nasty look. Instead, I smile at her. She has light blonde hair, and a small frame. I think her name was Ms. Zumph. 

She smiles back, unaware that I'd rather be anywhere else. "Sorry to pull you out of class."

I brush a bit of my hair behind my ear. "It's alright. Is something wrong?"

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