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I'm pretty sure I've succeeded in at least getting Alexander to follow along with the tour. Considering he's still following me, I'll take it as a good sign. 

He hasn't said anything, which is to be expected. "So our school isn't large, but there are a couple of buildings that aren't attached to the main building. In the main building, there are the cafeteria, gym and nurse's office, along with the language and history classes." I show him where the cafeteria is, along with the gym. "The nurses office is right beside the front office, which is where you were sitting earlier." He isn't talking, but I guess it makes things easier. No questions means no explaining. 

We walk outside so I can show him the other buildings. "The west building has all of the math, science, and shop classes. The east building has all of the arts classes. Chorus, band, art, theater, etc cetera. The track is where most sports practices are held, but some are held down the hill at the football field. We also have a baseball field off to the right of the football field." I'm just talking at this point. I know he could care less about what I'm saying. We finish the tour, and I lead him to his first class. I had shown him to each room during the tour, so if he wants to go to class, he knows the way. "I'll be your go to person for any questions, please don't cause trouble until after I'm no longer responsible for you." 

"So you think I'm going to cause trouble too." He says it in a way that sounds hurt, but also nonchalant. 

"That's only because you told me you'd cause trouble. You said you were going to skip your classes. Should I expect something else when you yourself said it?" I look up at him and he still has that angry expression in his green eyes, coupled with how tense he is. His eyes look away, and I scoff. "Oh, so now that you know I'm a Viticello, you can't handle a stare down with me? Wuss."

His fists clench and he glares at me again, this time with more fire. "I'm not afraid of you, damn it."

My head tilts to the side and I smile. "Good, cause I'm not scared of you either." Alexander tightens his jaw, but releases the fist he's been holding. 

"You should be." He says it in an angry tone, but he just sounds like he's trying to be scary. It's honestly kind of cute, like a puppy trying to scare a wolf.

I watch him curiously. Is this guy really the kind of person that beats people up, or did I just scare him into behaving with my name? Either way, at least he's behaving. Maybe I can have some fun with this.

I pat him on the shoulder as a passing gesture, then wave over my shoulder. "I'll see you at lunch. Be prepared to tell me what you've learned today." 

I snicker to myself, like he's actually going to remember anything. 

The three classes between when I left Alexander in the hallway and lunch went by too quickly. I've got to stomach thirty minutes with the guy of stone, and somehow eat without wanting to punch his lights out, or laugh at how scary he thinks he is. He'd probably just end up catching my fist, or get pissed at me for laughing. I grab a burger and a salad, then find a seat at a booth. I guess I should've looked for him, but half of me hoped he had decided to skip on lunch with me. Three minutes later a tray is set down in front of me, and those glaring green eyes lock onto me. 

"Hey." I say, noticing he's got an apple and a bottle of water. 

He nods at me, then leans back and shuts his eyes. Well, fine, don't talk. 

I eat my food, reading a book on my phone as I do. I hear him take a bite out of the apple, and glance at him. He's still leaning back, but he's watching me. 

His eyes catch mine looking and I put my phone down. "What?" I say, putting my fork down and crossing my arms on the table to lean towards him. 

"Tsk." He sucks his teeth and looks away from me, irritated. "Nothing."

I prop my head up, and watch him. His pitch black hair is pushed to one side, and I can see a mole below his right eye. He's also got piercings in his right ear, even up in the cartilage. "Fine. If you were admiring me, I'll let it slide." I pick my phone back up, and look away from him to cover my smirk. 

The glare directed at me only makes me want to laugh even more than I had before. "Admire you? As if, you're a stuck up princess. You probably don't even know what a splinter is like. Your dad would probably curse a piece of wood for even attempting to harm you."

I slowly put my phone down. I can't help but shoot an icy glare at him. "You think you know everything. Hm, it must be nice to be oblivious."

Alexander glares right back at me, and we sit there for a minute. If he wants to intimidate me, he's going to have to try harder. His stare is nothing to me.

The bell rings and we both stay put. "We better get to class." I say, then I smile at him. "I'll have to hear what you learned today sometime later. Have a good rest of your day." I grab my bag and dump my tray. Soon after, I feel him walking behind me. His eyes are probably trying to drill a hole through the back of my head. 

It dawns on me that we have the same class together, and I mentally groan for saying goodbye. Oh well, I'll just have to ignore him. He follows behind me the whole way to the west building, and into the classroom. Sheesh, maybe I should've stopped at the bathroom to get a second away from him. 

I sit at the front table in the chemistry classroom, and begin setting out my notes. I purposefully block off the entrance to the table with my bag, specifically to ward him off. Everyone else sits with their friends. 

He doesn't take the hint, and ends up shoving my bag aside with his foot to sit in the seat beside me. He doesn't say a word, just leans his arms on the table, and puts his head on them, covering his face. 

I sigh. "Do you get enough sleep at home?" His ability to sleep anywhere kind of irritates me.

His head turns to look at me. "No, I don't, so I'd appreciate it if you'd kindly, shut the fuck up. I'm trying to take a nap." He snaps at me, and I roll my eyes. Whatever.

The bell rings, and the teacher comes in, so Alexander sits up. I take a quick look at him. He's definitely got bags under his eyes. I whisper to him. "I thought you were going to take a nap?" 

He doesn't look, nor respond, so I just decide to pay attention to the teacher instead. 

Alexander seems to be paying attention, but he hasn't taken a single note. His bag also doesn't seem to have a notebook in it. To be honest, I think it's empty. I slide a couple of sheets of paper and a pencil his way. At first he ignores it, but eventually he picks up the pencil and starts taking notes. 

Class ends and I pack up my stuff. He puts the paper in his bag, and hands me back the pencil. "Thanks." He mumbles, and I look at him in shock. 

I quickly wipe the look off of my face and shrug. "You can keep it. I've got plenty." He takes the pencil back and puts it in his pocket. 

We walk out of class together, but don't talk. He seems to be less tense, so that's good. I'm less worried about him having an explosive outburst as I was. As long as it's directed at me it's fine. 

At the end of the day, I leave like I always do, but this time, Alexander watches as I leave. 

"Did you make a new friend today, Miss Lelia?" The driver asks as my brothers and I get in. 

"No." I say calmly. "He's a new kid I've been put in charge of, although he's a bit of a troublemaker."

My brothers look at him, all six of them. I know immediately that they're sizing him up. They speak in Italian to each other on the ride home, something they do to keep me out of the loop. My father refused to teach me Italian. He said it would be best if I didn't know. That doesn't matter though. I understand it just fine. 

They're talking about Alexander, and suggesting threatening him within an inch of his life to keep him away from me. Six hot blooded older brothers that are extremely overprotectove, what can you do?

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