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That thumbnail is me getting shot in the back since I'm a Suzune simp who saw the anime, never read the LN. Feels bad like I got betrayed :(.

3rd Person POV

Kiyo put a leash around his dog, and began taking her for a walk.

He took a jog through the park when he suddenly saw his girlfriend Suzune walking her dog, too.

"Hey, Suzune!" He smiled and waved.

"Hello, Kiyotaka." She hugged him briefly. "I see you're taking Karuizawa for a walk again."

Karuizawa barked like a bitch in heat. "Arf!" She is trying to say, "Mou~ I say Mou~ because that's all I ever say, so back away from my man!" but her voice came out like nothing more than an incomprehensible dumb chihuahua which would somehow attract all the cows within miles.

"Indeed. And I see you're taking Sudou for a walk, huh."

Sudog barked at him in anger like a German Shepherd. "WOOF!" Currently, he is growling at Kiyotaka as he is literally taking a mad shit on the sidewalk because he is furious at Kiyotaka for stealing his master from him. (A/N: I giggled so much writing this paragraph lmao 😂😂😂)

Suzune smiled and giggled. "I love this dog."

Sudog has been promoted to Sudou! He stood up and jumped around happily.

"I love this dog because he's a big and scary one that scares off anyone thinking of sexually assaulting me or mugging me. Other than that, I couldn't care less about it." She tilted her chin with her eyes closed, as if she's enjoying her sadistic words.

Sudou has been demoted to Sudog.

Sudog suddenly fell over and died, turning into Sudead.

Sudead has Sudecomposed.

Sudecompose has transformed into Sudust.

Karuizawa barked at Sudog, "Hey man, how can you stand getting treated like that?"

"I-I don't know," Sudog whined. "What about you? It seems Ayanokouji doesn't care about you."

"I'm in the same boat as you," Karuizabitch whined. "Seems like both of our love for our masters are unrequited."

"Y-Yeah..." Sudog whimpered more, all while their master-couple sat on a bench, chatting away happily and kissing, not caring about their public display of affection.

The two dogs shrugged and proceeded to fuck each other senseless.

To Be Continued

That felt good to write. My sadistic self has shown. :)

COTE: Classroom of the EasyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum