Him, Her - 2%

240 7 9

Dedicating this to Starlightfics_303, 'cause whoever is managing the acc is a very nice person <3


"Okay, Sam, truth. Are you in love with someone at the moment?" Carly asks her.

Yes, I am, Carls. He has brown eyes just like a chocolate pool or a gravy pool...mmmh yum. His soft brown hair always makes me want to play with it. His smi- chizz, why am I so cheesy, cut it out, Puckett.

She mentally hits herself.

"In love? I don't know, Carls, maybe mama is, maybe mama's not." she shrugs.

"Oh my gosh, you better tell me if you're in love!" she grows excited, knowing her best friend well.

Since Carly knows nothing about what happened yesterday, she doesn't question a thing. On the other side, out of the blue... well, not really; Freddie knows she's in love and he feels a bit of rage crawling up trough his heart, he wants to know who to beat in the near future.

After the games, they decide to watch some more movies, Carly puts on a movie about under the sea, not The Little Mermaid, though. Little does anybody know, Sam has a slight phobia about the sea, she has thalassaphobia... just a bit... and when I say a bit, I mean she trembles when a picture or a video of the dark sea pops up. Only 1 person knows, though. Freddie that is. When they were dating, she had to tell him about it since he was planning on watching a documentary about the sea with her. Now though, Freddie doesn't want to bring it up, he doesn't even know Carly chooses the movie "Deep Blue Sea", which if ever he were to know earlier, he would be far earlier-ly certain that she will have some troubles on concealing her phobia.

Sam gets a bowl of popcorn and seats on the couch, Carly on her left and Freddie on her right.

When the movie starts, he gets concerned about Sam once he knew what the movie's about. He takes a glance at Sam's eyes and he sees nothing; he couldn't see her feelings.

15 to 30 minutes already have passed when Freddie notices the movements from Sam, Sam starts to trembles once the scene is showing the underwater condition. He takes his phone and earphones out, he perches over to her and he stucks the right earphone into his right ear and the left earphone into Sam's ear. Carly's too caught up in the movie that she doesn't feel any movements around her. He plays the songs in the playlist that she made in his phone, back when they were dating.

Sam's surprised with the sudden action but she's in a comfort she doesn't want to get out of.

Sorry, Sam.

He pulls her closer and shifts her body. He discreetly wraps his arm around her. She puts her face on his neck. She relaxes in his touch as he runs his fingers through her hair.

Chizz, I miss this so bad. When was the last time i'm in his arms?

Just after the next half of the movie passed, she falls asleep in his arms, but his hand doesn't stop running itself through her hair.

Carly yawns heavily and gets up, the movie hasn't end yet but she happens to be very tired.

"I'm gonna slee... " she stretches herself as she turns back to both of her best friends and she doesn't understand the view in front of her.

"Okay, sleep tight." he doesn't pay attention to her at all, well, except for the voice, his eyes are stuck on the movie.

"Uhhh... " her eyes wanders left and right to both of her best friends.

He finally looks at her. "Hm?" he cocks his head.

"I'm not even gonna ask."

He looks at her going away with confusement evident upon his face.


"Hey, I just brushed my teeth."

"Oh, Hi."

"I said that I'm not gonna ask right?"

"Yes." he eyes her suspiciously.

"Right, and so, I'm just gonna do this."

She walks in front of them and starts to take photos in overdramatic poses for a photographer.

He chuckles.

"Please don't share those photos to anybody or else I'm gonna tackle you and delete every photo." he jokes to her.

"Jeez, Freddie. You hang too much with Sam, what did she taught you when you were dating her?" She sits on an armchair, wishing to know... and
'cause Carly knows his twisted feelings towards her which he doesn't even seem to understand.

He looks down at her, he smooths her hair to the back of her ear. He chuckles sadly, at himself apparently. "She taught me how to really love someone. I wish I could say that true love doesn't exist, but when I think about true love, all I can think of is her when I suppose that I'm supposed to be thinking about speaking my hatred towards it, only if the hatred of mine was bound to be real. Hatred is a big word, maybe disagreement, disagree with it in some ways. Only if my disagreement was bound to be real, but then, when it comes to her, my disagreement vanishes as fast as light. It's so cliché and cheesy, but whatsoever. It is as it is."

She smiles softly at him, "That explains a lot, Freddie,"

He sighs as his arm holds her tighter.

"Take care of her."

"You're saying that as if you're gonna be gone."

She snickers, "When you get her back, you're gonna be the one that is gone." she teases.

"Right." he smiles.

"You'll get her back, Freddie. She's all yours, but gaining her trust has never been easy, you see. Just a while more, maybe tomorrow morning you can wake up, still with her in your arms."

"Hm... " he doesn't take his eyes off the blonde teenage.

"Oh yeah, Freddie. About something."

"What is it?" he finally takes his eyes off and looks at her.

(This very part is inspired by OTPshipper13's one shot called QUARANTINE, the part where there was only 1 air mattress that could be used.)

"Spencer took one of the mattresses away and gave it to Socko since he needed it, which means, there's only one mattress... I'm really sorry." she looks at him, feeling uncomfortable for one of her best friends for a few years.

"It's all right, I'll sleep on the couch." he smiles assuringly.

"You sure? Please, no."

"It's okay, Carls." the vibration of his chest as he talks, wakes a blonde teenage up, but since it's a very comfortable place she's in, she doesn't wanna get up, she stays there and listens.

"Really? If you ever wanna move to my bed or to the mattress, then, just wake me up."

The "move to my bed" spoken by Carly makes a slight jealousy runs through her but it escapes fast.

"Okay. Don't stay up too late." she ruffles his hair.

"It's already late anyway and thank you."

Sam opens her eyes slightly to see him smiling at her; gently, softly, sincerely. She's certain that Carly is smiling back. She regrets that, she regrets opening her eyes in the first place.

She tries to sleep again, trying to forget what she saw.

Freddie woke her up and brought her to Carly's room.


Carly's asleep and Sam's on the mattress. Freddie stands up from the couch and walks to Sam's mattress.

He lays down beside her... still on the same mattress. He looks at his left and think about his feelings towards the blonde girl next to him... his blonde-headed demon.

To be continued-!!

Sorry for grammar errors, spelling glitches, and ambiguous sentences~

SEDDIE | The Growth of The Yet Unknown Amethyst, Violet, Purple.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें