Chapter 14

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Tzuyu Pov

After we ate sana left and went home to the dorm so she could rest. She keep on insisting that she will stay here with me to have someone with me. After a few minutes of arguing she finally followed what i've said.

'Tsk hard headed shiba inu' tzuyu thought

A smile form in my lips when i remember sana unnie. Its been a while since we talked and argue like that and i admit it, i miss those moments.

I remember how we were then, fighting over useless things, making each other jealous, and so many more that almost no one can separate us.

Until that day happened. Sigh.

Damn it. Why did I act like that? We wouldn't be so awkward if I just didn't do that. Damn this jealousy. I need to control that feeling.

But suddenly dahyun and sana unnie pop in my head while the two of them are flirting. My blood boiled because of that scene.

Stay away from sana dahyun or else I can't control myself even if you're older than me. What's mine is mine and i'll do everything to get back what's mine in the first place.

The audacity of ya'll to flirt in front of me. Psh that women wait till i make you jealous too.

I remember mina unnie's act yesterday that made me confused.

3 years ago was the last time she acted like that to me and it made me happy. But i stopped and thinking whether she is acting genuinely or faking it.

But seeing her worried face i can say that she's not faking it and in what mina is doing she really shows that she is very much a girlfriend material.

She maybe silent outside but on the inside she shows her care to others and that made her more attractive.

Yah tzuyu-ah mina unnie is for chaeyoungie okay? Be loyal to sana. I scolded my self

I'm thinking when I've felt the pain again that I hope I don't want to feel anymore. I touch my chest to ease the pain but it didnt work.

Shit. I wandered my eyes that maybe they brought my bag but nothing.

My chest hurt more so I just cried out in pain so the doctor and nurse came in nervous about what was happening to me.

Sana unnie. I said and everything went black.


I woke up because of the noise as I opened my eyes and saw the doctor and a nurse both looking at me.

"How are you feeling tzuyu?"

"I'm okay doc"

He nodded and looked at the paper he was holding.

The doctor's face could not be explained. He looked at the nurse first and took a deep breath before saying.

"You have a heart disease tzuyu and its getting worse and we need to operate it as soon as possible. Do you have a donor already?"

I was stunned and thought about what he said. So that means i have a few time left before i'll say goodbye to them.

"No doc i cant find one"

He shake his head. "You need to find a donor tzuyu or else you already know what will happen to you"

"How about your foot?"

"Oh its doing great doc" i said while looking at my foot

He nods and looking at my foot also.

"I will give you a year or two to find a donor okay?"

I smiled weakly and said yes before they left the room.

Donor? Hahaha do i need to find one or nah? Besides maybe the unnies will be happy if they find this out.

All my life i've been a burden to this group. I'm the only one carrying the pain I'm feeling and I don't even have someone to say about this.

I faked a laugh while tears are falling down to my cheeks. Fuck this life, i'm so tired.

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