Chapter 5: Hourglass

Start from the beginning

Next Day

Naruto walked down the steps and paused when he heard "The distributor gets twelve five."

Peeking in Naruto saw Johnathan and Martha in the kitchen going through bills "The feed bill over six months at five percent." Johnathan said

"Plus the mortgage at eight point two. Plus the harvester repairs gives us," Martha was calculating

"Fifty four thousand five hundred and one dollars and thirty-eight cents." Naruto said getting their attention

"Hey, uh, son, I'm sorry, we didn't mean for you to hear all that." Johnathan said getting a nod from Naruto who sped upstairs and returned with a stack of money

"Here's $56,000, from my book money." Naruto said

"Nathan we couldn't take this." Martha said

"You can, think of it as good karma. You took in a alien from another dimension, and never wanted anything in return, not even a thank you." Naruto replied placing the money on the table

Naruto smiled as he walked off while Martha and Johnathan smiled after him

Minutes Later

Naruto, Pete, and Chloe walked to the edge of the property as the bus pulled up "So, did Sean call?" Naruto asked

"Negative. Not that I was waiting by the phone or anything." Chloe said

"Maybe he got caught up. One time, my sister didn't hear from a guy for a week. When she called to tell him off, it turned out his grandmother died." Pete replied

"Ah, as much as I appreciate the spotlight here, I'm fine." Chloe smiled

"Sean's a douche anyway." Naruto said

"He's not that bad, Nate. He's always been cool to me. Just because you can't get past your Lana crush, don't knock us for trying to make a love connection."

"I thought we were focusing on me, here." Chloe said

"So did I." Naruto said as they both looked at Pete

"I'm just saying, why don't you ask some girl out?" Pete asked

"Like who?" Naruto asked

"Like Chloe?" Pete asked causing Naruto to raise an eyebrow before he made to speak but Chloe beat him to it

"Okay, wait! I'm not some crash test dummy you guys can use to try out your dating skills on. You, if you like Lana so much, why don't you just ask her out and get it over with." Chloe said looking to Naruto with a nod before she turned to Pete "And you, stop acting like a Vegas bookie picks your dates. And both of you, treat me better."

Chloe smiled before she got on the bus, as Naruto slapped Pete in the back of the head "Way to go." he said getting on the bus

Later, Beanery Coffee Shop

Lana was sitting in the coffee shop, reading about an exhibit in Metropolis when Lex who had just arrived from the Kent farm talking to Martha about coming to a dinner party he was hosting for farmers in trouble, saw her and walked over "That's a great exhibit. I caught it in St. Petersburg."

"Whitney and I are going to Metropolis tomorrow. I thought we'd check it out." Lana said with a small smile

"Ah, trying to give the quarterback some culture?" Lex asked causing Lana to frown

"It was his idea." Lana said

"He figures one afternoon at the museum, he's off the hook for six months." Lex smirked

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