As the couple were driving they suddenly jumped when a meteor hit beside them, and more continued to rain down

"What's happening Johnathan?" Martha asked terrified

Johnathan didn't answer as he continued to drive before he slammed on the breaks as a meteor hit the ground and slid across the road in front of them, causing the car to tumble over from the trench the meteor caused

5 Minutes Later

John, and Martha groaned as they regained consciousness, before they began to look around and paused when they saw a child's feet walking over toward them, before the child knelt down allowing them to see bright yellow hair, and ocean blue eyes blinking at them innocently

Moments Later

Martha and Johnathan walked the trail toward where the meteor landed, while Martha held the 3 year old boy that found them "Kids don't just fall out of the sky, Martha." Johnathan said

"Then where did he come from?" Martha asked looking at the adorable whiskers on the child's face

"I don't know. But he must have parents." Johnathan said only to stop when instead of a meteor he found a ship

"If he does, they're definitely not from Kansas." Martha said looking down to the boy

Johnathan looked back to see his wife staring at the boy and said "Sweetheart, we can't keep him. What'll we say? We found him in a field?"

"We didn't find him. He found us." Martha said before they jumped in shock when a head appeared from the ship

"Hello Johnathan, and Martha Kent." Gideon said looking at the wide eyed humans "I am an Artificial intelligence named Gideon, I have much to tell you."

Martha, and Johnathan looked at each other as the floating head began to explain the origins of the boy they learned name was Naru, an alien from a different dimension who will become the strongest being on the planet, they decided to hide the ship and to protect the boy he would for now be Nathaniel Kent their adopted son.

12 Years Later

Music played as 15 year old Nathan Kent did one handed push ups, in his room, a glowing green rock in his free hand, usually the glowing green rock would make him feel nauseous and weak, but 9 years of keeping the glowing meteor fragment helped him build a tolerance.

"Nate, your going to be late!" Martha shouted

"Coming, Mom." Naruto said as he finished his 200th push up, before he got up, and placed the glowing rock on the top of his shelf


Naruto walked into the kitchen, straight to the fridge and got a bottle of milk and began to drink "Ah, ah!" Martha screamed taking the bottle from him

"It tastes better from the bottle." Naruto said bending down and grabbing a bag of chips

"Where'd you learn your manners?" Martha asked

"On a farm." Naruto said walking to the table as he opened his chips before Johnathan walked in and saw his adopted son

"Afternoon, sleepyhead." Johnathan greeted only for Naruto to grunt

Martha and Johnathan sighed seeing as Naruto was still upset Johnathan wasn't letting him sign up for football "I have class tonight so you two are on your own. And no pizza! There's food in the fridge." Martha said

"Got it mom." Naruto said

"Look Nate, I'm trying to protect you, anything could happen out on the feild, and you can expose yourself."

Nathaniel KentWhere stories live. Discover now