Stormy Sleepover

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I haven't written in like, years. I previously wrote for Colby Brock at @colbybrocksmolder and someone asked me to write for Tom so I figured I'd give it a shot.

I hope you enjoy!


"Did you hear there was a storm coming?" one of your PA's, Andi, asked you. You were in charge of making sure the cast all had assistants and that their life on set ran smoothly. You'd been working with these guys since the very first Thor movie.

"I got a notification on my phone a few hours ago, but this building is so big I doubt we'd know if it had actually hit yet." You pulled up your weather app and clicked on the "!" checking to see what the "alert" was. "Oh god" you said, shocked to read that most of the county was already out of power.

"I told you, call me Chris." Behind you, Hemsworth was chuckling leaning over to read what you were looking at on your phone.

"Ha, ha." You laughed at his cheesy joke. "But seriously, has anyone been outside in the last few hours?"

Looking at your phone, Hemsworth shrugged and headed towards one of the truck bays.

In front of you, you watched Evans and Tom training with each other. There were various scenes in this movie involving water and a big thing the trainers had been working with them on was safely landing in water. It sounds funny, but you can break bones or knock yourself unconscious if you land wrong.

"Bad news" Hemsworth yelled out, getting everyone's attention. "This building has been running on generators. There's no power in the whole lot." He dramatically shook his arms, flinging rain water on you and Andi.

"No wonder this water has gotten so cold" Evans added, shivering. "It's usually warmed, but It's ice right now."

You sent a text to the director who was in a meeting with the writers. You received a text back fairly quickly. "Let everyone know we've got 6 more rooms at the Hyatt Hotel a few towns over for those who don't have trailers on the lot. Tell everyone else that it looks like the power won't be fixed until tomorrow afternoon. There's a whole line of downed power lines that they can't get to until the storm stops. The generators only run lights and a few outlets and it looks like they're going to die soon too. The 16 seater van is outside with a driver to take people to the hotel."

"Looks like we're done for the day." You said mostly to yourself, with Hemsworth and Andi hearing you.

"Everybody in." Hemsworth hollered out so you wouldn't have to yell.

"Thanks." You shot him a smile.

"Any time" he replied, flinging his long wet hair towards you.

"I take it back." You laughed, moving to stand on your chair.

"I know that not everyone has a trailer in the lot yet as we haven't actually started filming, so for anyone that doesn't have a home here there's a van outside that will take to you the hotel that has power nearby. It's already super chilly in here, so I imagine it's freezing outside." You spoke so everyone could hear you.

"Can confirm." Hemsworth said, starting to shiver a bit.

"There's umbrellas near the catering tables and there's a bunch of old hoodies and jackets in the extras costume bay. Make sure you're warm and dry before you head to the van."

Everyone that didn't have a trailer on set left once they had their instructions.

"As for the rest of us, we have to hunker down in our trailers until this passes. I have solar power and full solar batteries on my trailer so all of you are more than welcome to come crash with me if your trailer is too cold or you need electricity for anything."

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