Start from the beginning

"What was the mission again?"

"Oh, a medicinal herb called Eyebright is supposed to be there so, surveillance check"

"That's why they needed two Jonins?" I questioned Kurenai.

"No, because Orochimaru might be there" she countered with a heavy grunt as she thumped her fingers against her forehead. Kurenai was hungrier than the rest of us, therefore her temper flared every now and then as she looked at the entrance door hoping to see her comrades. When those two finally arrived- apologizing for being late and ordered food, they had a story of their own to share. Apparently Naruto, Sakura and Neji were in Sabaki No Tani (Valley of Judgment) trying to find this rumored medicinal herb. However, the sensei duo were able to save their precious students and sent them home not before reprimanding their poor decision of coming to a classified hostile valley on their own. Apart from the fact that three Genins had almost brushed past death, Guy had never been happier and relieved at the same time and to some extent, their works were reduced now that Konoha had been stabilized. Lee's operation had been successful and he was already able to walk on his own. But even in the midst of good news, Kurenai informed how one of her students- Hinata had temporarily lost sight due to excessive training. Guy said his student, Neji, was acting as supporting guardian for the Hyuga heiress in absence of her father and it was with that intention that Neji teamed up with Naruto to find a cure for Hinata.

The announcement of our new Godaime- who was none other than the grandchild of first Hokage and one of the Legendary Sannins- made threats of outside attacks futile, therefore, most of the nation was enjoying idle summer afternoons. Our barbecue lunch was made possible because the Jonins were given some time off. This meant Kakashi had time to rest and spend time with me. Later that day, Kakashi took us back home and cuddled me, which uplifted my mood and constant need for his attention. One of his new hobbies was selecting names for our kids- he predicted they would be both girls and much to his wish he wanted them to be girls.

"Why not boys?"

"I want to be your only favorite man"

"That is so selfish Kakashi"


"Because I want to be your only favorite girl"

"But you are, and then I will have three favorite girls"

"Then I can have three favorite boys too"

"No" like a little spoiled brat, he laid his head on my stomach, exhaling deeply and murmuring sweetly as if his voice was soothing our children.

"Found any names?"

"Found lots of them, but none seem good enough for my little princesses"

"Oh god, what if they are boys?"

"I know for a fact Mrs. Hatake that they are girls"


"It's my newly father senses" I giggled at his childish behavior, "I can't wait to dress them up, take pictures, hide them from everyone else, experience their first steps, hearing them call me dada! I can do everything! I will feed them, clean them and if they are having trouble sleeping, I will lull them back to sleep. You don't have to do anything!"

"Alright, alright! Jeez, someone is too happy"

"Do you have any idea how much I loved you? Just how much I have loved you? Years Y/N, for years...Days went by and I felt like you were a distant dream never to be real, but now at this moment, you are real to me. You are my wife, you are carrying my children and...and...part of me still thinks you are an illusion" I brought his hands to my cheeks and kissed his fingers.

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