Scene 17

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Sasuke never stays longer than a night. Typically a night of passion, but by morning, he's gone before Sakura can make breakfast, usually going on about how his mother is worried for him.

So, when Sakura returns home on day three of Sasuke's staying, she bears a bewildered expression. There the young Uchiha is, in her kitchenette, attempting to cook dinner for the both of them.

Yes, Sakura dreams of domesticity with Sasuke, but not like this; not like them sitting in an apartment both struggling---her with her studies, and him with his mental health. She'd rather cook for him as he comes home from his high-paying office job, living lavishly in a mansion, drinking cocktails by the poolside; not this.

"Sasuke," she says, closing the door behind her. "You're still here?"

He looks up from the salmon he bought and smiles. "Yeah. I hope that's okay."

She slips on fuzzy pink slippers and gives him a strained smile back. "Yeah, it's fine. I mean, you don't typically stay this long. Isn't your mom worried?"

There's a long silence between them. Only the sound of sizzling from the pan fills the air.


"I wouldn't know if she's worried," he speaks with a chill to his tone. "I turned off my phone."

"You should at least check it," Sakura says, dropping her school bag on the sofa. "What if I was calling you?"

He hums. "You were at school. I know how you hate being distracted from your work. I don't see why you'd call in the middle of the day."

She grunts, putting her hands on her hips. "You should make up with your family."

There's a pause, and then his soft voice comes out. "I didn't do anything wrong."

"Be the bigger man anyway."

"I didn't do anything wrong."

"Sasuke," she says, her tone warning. "Just do it."

He ignores her, focusing on making sure the fish is evenly cooked.

"Don't ignore me, Sasuke. You have to make up with your family so you can go back home."

His reply is quick. "So you don't want me here."

It isn't a question. It's a statement. A fact that neither of them wanted to reveal. The air hangs heavy.

Sakura looks bewildered and meets his cold black eyes. She sputters, "What? No! I want you here."

"You want me to go back home as if I'm not welcome here."

"You are welcome here, Sasuke." She joins him in the kitchen and takes his arm. She feels the muscles he's been building up with Naruto over the past few weeks and smiles. "But the only reason you're here is because you're fighting with your family, and you need a place to stay."

He's silent again. There's this cold barrier that keeps them from connecting with one another. He keeps pushing Sakura out as she tries to reach in. However, she keeps her distance from him, refusing to let him see the dark parts of her heart.

"Turn your phone back on, and if they call, talk to them." Sakura leans her head on his shoulder. "Do it for me, okay?"

With a sigh, he takes his phone out of his pocket and turns it on. It makes a jingle sound, and his lock screen picture pops up. "Happy?"

Sakura pouts, but glad that he conceded to her wishes. He may have an attitude, but she harbors a fiercer one.

She doesn't unleash it on him.

Cinema [Yandere!Sasuke x Reader] AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt