2021 (1)

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I got the phone call on March 15th, and somehow it wasn't a surprise.

When I say I got the phone call, I mean Annabeth picked up the phone, saw the number and lobbed the Nokia brick at my head (clearly she wanted nothing to do with it, which told me that it was probably from S.H.I.E.L.D.) The only reason I didn't have brain damage was because I caught the phone just before it hit my forehead; thanks, S.H.I.E.L.D. instincts.

The 'number' just came up as 'unknown', which, to be honest, was confirmation enough.

I put the phone to my ear, and asked, "Hello?"

"Agent Jackson," Coulson replied smoothly.

Great, clearly everyone at S.H.I.E.L.D. had decided that I was suddenly an agent again after being on the run from them for the past three years.

"Hi, sir. I take it this isn't a social call."

"No, Agent Jackson, it is not. Actually, and the Director would obviously never admit this in person, mind you, we need your help specifically." Coulson ploughed on through the stuttering noises I was making in response to that. "Your current situation makes you one of the few people that we can confidently trust."

Really? "I thought the whole reason that I couldn't come back was because you couldn't trust me?"

"Times change," he replied shortly. "Now, what I am about to tell you is so highly classified that if you tell anybody, I really will have to shoot you. Strictly, it's above even my pay grade. Need-to-know only, you understand?"

Right, so it wasn't actually like Coulson to make threats. This must be serious. "Yes, sir."

Annabeth must have seen something in my face, because she was starting to look a little concerned.

There was a soft click on the other end, presumably as Coulson moved into an even more private room. "S.H.I.E.L.D. has been infiltrated at the highest level by HYDRA," he informed.

Well, it was definitely Coulson then, because nobody else had quite the ability to drop a bomb on your head with such calmness and clarity.

"Uh...?" I said, eloquently.

"We are unable to trust anybody within the organization at any level, with the exception of your old team. However, Barton is on a deep-cover mission overseas, radio silence, you know the drill, and we cannot contact him. Now, Romanoff is good, but she's going to need assistance if she's going to keep HYDRA's prime target alive and out of prison."

HYDRA, the organization from WWII that had been supposedly crushed by- ah.

"Steve Rogers," I guessed.

Coulson gave a very quiet sigh. "That's correct, Agent."

"He's not exactly well-versed in the art of spycraft and subtlety, is he? Much more of a blunt instrument?"

"We'd keep him in the public eye if we could, but he's already had attempts made on his life, and by an assassin who fits the profile of the Winter Soldier, no less."

Oh, this conversation just kept it up with the goddamn surprises, didn't it? "I thought the Soldier was a myth." I stood up and started to pace, limbs singing with nervous energy. "You know, one they made up to scare the junior agents or something. 'Go to your 'how to swim' session, or the Winter Soldier will push you into a freezing river', that sort of thing."

Coulson chuckled in a very nervous fashion, which was a distinctly un-Coulson-like thing to do. "I wasn't aware the name was ever used in such a flippant fashion, but you're correct there. May I remind you, Jackson, that we thought the Black Widow was a myth, too, and some of the most junior agents are beginning to question whether you really ever existed. It seems to be the fate of the most deadly of them all, to fade into the shadows at the very edges of history."

Percy Jackson Avenger and S.H.I.E.L.D. AgentWhere stories live. Discover now