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The year kicked off with my final few weeks at college which were actually pretty chill now that I wasn't going towards a course. Malcolm seemed to be somewhat worried about the fact that I wasn't returning. "Are you sure that you want to do this?"

I hummed. "Yeah, pretty damn sure actually."

He scrunched his face up. "But what about your future job? This could have a lasting impact!" It's kind of adorable that he was getting so stressed out about my academic achievements, like he hadn't just picked up like seven new electives and was quite literally drowning in work.

"I've actually been offered a job that will also get me a qualification."

Malcolm's mouth opened and closed a few times, trying to formulate the words to argue with me. "At least stay in touch?" He didn't sound so sure about that.

"Yeah, I will." I patted his shoulder awkwardly. I didn't understand how he had got so attached to me. "You have to introduce me to that sister of yours that you're always going on about at some point."

"You're only saying that because you think she's hot."

Okay, so maybe Malcolm had shown me a couple of photos of Annabeth. "I never said anything of the sort," I gasped, mock-hurt. "I don't know where you get that impossible idea from!"

"Yeah, yeah. So, this is it? You're dropping out for real?"

"I've got a course over spring break. If they offer me a job, I won't come back here. If they don't, I guess you'll see me on the first day of term."

"Good luck, Percy."

"You too, man."


Spring break rolled around and I was (finally) released from the hell known as college, already in debt by at least a grand. Yippee.

My phone buzzed as I was standing on the subway, packed in with half a million grumpy commuters who were more than happy to drop their suitcases on my toes, as I had discovered.

I let go of the overhead strap to reach into my pocket and tug it out, reading the name and sighing.

I put my phone away and hefted my rather large bag, before shoving my way through the sea of moody suits and squeezing myself off the train and onto the platform, retrieving my phone again as soon as I was out of the station, when it began to ring, just as I had expected.

"Yeah?" I asked, nearly getting hit by a taxi as I crossed the road without looking.

"Mr Jackson. We have decided that I should meet with you immediately to discuss the final logistics of your placement."

I frowned as I dodged an old lady with three dogs. "That sounds pretty bad."

"It's not as bad as you think. Silver Sedan, parked on the corner."

"Sure." I hung up, spotting the car at once and getting into the passenger side as soon as I reached it. Sure enough, Agent Coulson was sat there, looking literally the same as whenever else I saw him. Guy could've been a robot and I wouldn't've been any the wiser.

I dumped my bag at my feet. "So, what was it that required the super secret meeting?"

"We would like to bring forwards your S.H.I.E.L.D. induction by two more days, if that is possible. That leaves you with only three days to prepare yourself. However, I must stress that there is very little to prepare. You need bring very little, save for a couple of personal items, but these will be placed in a safe locker until you are initiated as an agent."

Percy Jackson Avenger and S.H.I.E.L.D. AgentWhere stories live. Discover now