Ch.6 The Impenetrable Wall

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Author Note: This chapter was supposed to be released two weeks ago so I am very sorry for the delay. I was very caught up in another matter and it wasn't that important, so I apologize for making you wait.


Great more training, this time we were working on defense, also I've noticed that Basile doesn't really like playing defense, he seems rather... well irritated. (Good observation sherlock) "Gather round'." Our trainer said as we stopped what we were doing to line up. "Now next is this." Our coach said with his normal eerie smile. "What's that." Adriano asked. 'Cmon man let him speak.' "This is a secret weapon, and it's called the ultimate secret raffle box number 3!" Our coach said ecstatically. "A raffle box?" Sonny said in a questioning tone of voice. "Suspicious." (Yeah buddy I agree with you) Someone said in the crowd. "Okay now go ahead." Coach said with his still eerie smile. Everyone drew tickets, but only Valentin and Cliff won. "Now then, the two with the winning tickets get to skip the difficult training as a reward!" Our coach said. "However I will have you helping with some chores." Our coach slid in at the end of the sentence. "Chores?" Valentin asked. 'Man they are sooo lucky, I wish I was them... but they still have to do chores... I'm tired.'

Time skip, man I'm losing my mind... wait what is that over there in the mirror- AAAAGH HELP-

After some more of what seemed like endless days of training we finally get to play against Rampart. "Cliff and Valentin, you two are so lucky." Adriano complained. "We still had to do work around the school." Valentin said trying to defend himself. "Yeah he's right." Cliff said pitching in. They continued bickering for a bit but honestly, I don't care. We all changed into our uniforms in the changing room ready for the game against Rampart. Most of us were excited and determined, this was our second shot. This time we were going to win.... or were we? Thoughts of doubt started flooding my mind. 'Did you practice hard enough?' 'Do you have the skill to be on the field?' 'Will you contribute anything?' 'Will your time have been wasted?' 'You are useless...' "Wow amazing!" Sonny said with a big smile. "This is the logo of our sponsor!" Kiko mentioned. "They look very good on you." Our sponsor said. 'Woah bro wait up-' "Mister Lunge (idk I couldn't find subtitles) thank you so much for doing this." Sonny said gratefully. "Well I am honored I can sponsor you all, and I expect great things." Whatever his name is said. They continued to talk but I paid no attention to it, I need to focus. I put my headphones on to possibly take some of my doubts away... it was calm and peaceful... until SOMEONE tapped my shoulder. I took my headphones off and opened my eyes. "Cmon let's get your picture!" Auriel said as I walked to the blue wall. I kept my headphones on my neck, and my hands in my pocket. When Anna handed my card to me I didn't bother checking it, I just put it in my bag and walked with the rest of the team onto the field. Most of my doubts had left the second we hit the field and were replaced with excitement. Our eleven bands beeped and said, "Kickoff" as we all started moving. Sonny passed to Adriano as they moved up the field and Basile stayed on their side. Then I looked forward and saw the other team forming a wall. Our forwards continued passing around until Basile got the ball, he moved forward in an attempt to get past them then he suddenly stopped and looked towards the coach with a fiery passion! Welp more like a mad face to be honest. Basile passed to Sonny, but he was quickly pushed by one of the most annoying pieces of shi- nevermind. Sonny decided to pass to Adriano, but he got pushed as well and lost possession of the ball. "Don't let him steal the ball!" Shortstack Basile yelled. 'Okay buddy thanks for pointing out the obvious.' Adriano managed to steal the ball back and passed it to Sonny. Sonny tried to blitz past the wall sitting in the middle of the field only to get blocked. "Frankenstun!" One of the other teams members yelled as he performed his defensive hissatsu technique. He kicked the ball back into our possession, cocky guy. Adriano ended up with the ball, he tried to do the same as Sonny and ran in only to get blocked by the hamster looking guy. "Easter Island Header!" The enemy said as he took the ball from Adriano. For the next couple minutes the balls possession was tossed around, after a while we decided to continue passing for the time being.

Whistle Blows

It was kinda boring during the first half. "Hey look Mr. Yi, when are you going to let us attack!" Adriano protested. "At this rate the game will end in a tie." Caesar said. "And then it'll be all over for us! We need to attack now!" Basile yelled. "Mr. Yi, we are finally able to play football again, that's why we wanna play the best we can! To see how far we can make it in the football frontier!" Asuto said. "In that case go ahead. Just defend with everything you've got. Even if you attack now you'll just be wasting your energy and time." Our coach said. "Do you even plan on winning cause what you are saying is exactly the opposite of winning!" Adriano yelled. "Hey Adriano just listen to him for now." I said. "What do you mean!" Adriano yelled. "If we can continue playing like this they'll get uneasy and attack us, that's our best shot." I calmly said as I returned to the field.

Whistle Blows

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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