Ch.2 What The Heck Coach!?

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This morning you finally woke up on time, you quickly get out of bed and change into your school uniform, when you finished you ran to the bathroom and brushed your teeth. As you brush your teeth you decide to get into the rythym of things, you pull out your phone from your pocket and put on some headphones. Sometimes music picks you, and today you felt like this track was yelling to be played. As the vocals of the song stole the time of day you realized you had already finished your morning routine and were already walking to school.

"Hey there!" You turn around just to be brought to the ground, Asuto/Sonny had jumped on you and you fell under the weight. "Oh hi there Asuto/Sonny, what happened." You say as you get up and dust your clothes off. "You got accepted into the club!" He says in a bright tone. "Really?" You say as you feel your heart beat backwards. This was the first time in a while that you had gotten this excited. "Yes!" You yell in celebration. "Also you didn't tell me your name yesterday." Asuto/Sonny says breaking your small little celebration world. "Oh yeah, it's y/n, Emporium y/n." You say with a smile on your face, "also who are they?" You say as you point behind him to a group of other people. "Oh those people are our teammates." Asuto/Sonny says as he introduces everyone to eachother, "Nice to meet you all I'm y/n." You say as you bow to your fellow club members. "Oh yeah sorry I didn't tell you yesterday, but we're planning to have a practice match with Seishou Gakuen/Polestar Academy in a couple days." Asuto/Sonny said as he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. "Oh no it's fine. I don't mind, I'll probably just be spectating anyways." You say with a fake smile.

Time skip to school cuz I'm very lazy, you already know it


"Here is your uniform and card." One of the managers, Ootani/Auriel said. "Thank you so much." I said with a smile on my face. She simply smiled and followed the rest of the club members outside, I quickly changed and followed after her. 'I'm not sure if I'll do any good on the field or not, here goes.' I ran to the field and stand with the rest of the team. "Alright everyone run up and down Inazuma Hill 100 times." The coach said. "Eh 100 times!?" I yelled in surprise. "Yep that's his training menu..." Asuto/Sonny said in a depressing tone. Soon everyone's face changed to that of a depressing face... only time will tell when we can actually train without this crazy schedule ;-;....

Time skip a few days


It's already been a few days and finally our hellish bone breaking training had finished. "Today's the big day everyone, let's get out there and win!" Asuto/Sonny yelled enthusiastically. "Yeah!" Everyone else yelled in unison. We boarded our bus and I decided to listen to some music... surprisingly it was really peaceful, nothing to bother me... it was a nice ride. I felt a tap on my shoulders and took off my headphones. "Hey Y/N aren't you nervous gosu..." One of my teammates, Golem/Cliff asked. "Yeah I am, but on the field you can't show any weaknesses. The enemy knows how to take advantage of it." I said as I put my headphones back on...

That's the end of the second chapter. I think this is going to be a smooth ride, so I'll probably finish the next chapter in about three days of finishing this one.

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