The demon shook her head. ‘My souls already been replaced; the only chance I have is to complete this deal, you still have time to get out of it,’ she answered. ‘Just, hurry up okay.’

With that, the demon zapped out of New York City, 1921.


Dean, Sam and I gained the attention of many New Yorker’s getting on with their daily life; it was probably something about the fact that Dean and Sam were dressed in denim jeans and workmen boots, whilst I wore skinny jeans and a leather jacket. We weren’t exactly dressed appropriately for our current era.

‘Is it really that unusual to see people dressed this way?’ I questioned as I stared at the floor, trying not to make eye contact with the many men and women who decided that they had to stare.

Dean just shrugged; he and Sam kept their heads up- unharmed by the shocked looks- whilst walking to whatever destination they had in mind. According to them, if we walk through the main city for long enough we’ll eventually stumble across someone, or something, that could possibly help us with our current task.

‘Are you two even going to speak to me, where are we going?’ I continued to fire questions at my older brother’s. The pair of them was walking quickly through the crowds of people; I had to run slightly to keep up with them both.

Sam turned to look back at me; he looked down at me like I was some sort of annoying child. ‘We need to hurry up Katia, we only have a day,’ Sam stated.

‘We’re in a different state, we’re in a different year for God’s sake; don’t you two want to stop for just a minute? We should check this place out, how often do people get to visit the past? For all we know, this woman could be hidden away or something, we might never even find her and we would’ve spent this entire day looking for no one when we could’ve been checking out old-school Times Square,’ I huffed whilst continuing to run after the men.

This time it was Dean who turned back to look at me. ‘If we find this woman, and a way to end your deal, I’ll find an angel who can take us back to the past; we can visit this place all over again if you just stick to the damned plan,’ Dean snarled, he then turned left down another busy street.

I just groaned, and rolled my eyes, before continuing to jog after the two men.


For some reason, Sam had decided that a shop selling herbal remedies, and medicine, would be the correct place to look for this “Alexia Russo” chick. The second he’d pushed the door open an old man, dressed in some patched up clothing and a leather apron, was immediately exiting the back room.

‘How can I help ya?’ he was quick to ask; his voice was grainy and sounded a little underused- if that was even possible?

Sam and Dean continued to walk towards the desk; I stood in the centre of them both as they stared at the old man intensely. The shop owner was too busy staring at my leather jacket to even realise that both Dean and Sam were staring at him in such a way.

‘Alexia Russo, you heard of her?’ Dean questioned; well with the tone he used it was more like a demand.

The old man turned away from me, and moved to meet Dean’s eyes. ‘Alexia Russo, ain’t she some sorta star nowadays?’ the man questioned, his voice still quiet and raspy.

‘I don’t know, that’s why I’m asking you,’ Dean was quick to reply.

‘Yeah, she made it big on Broadway a couple years ago,’ the elder answered as he wiped his hands on a ragged cloth. ‘You ask anyone, they’ll tell you who she is.’

The 4th Winchester - Book 2 (Supernatural Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now