05. What's this About Purgatory?

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What’s this About Purgatory?

<Katia’s POV>

I didn’t know where to look as I flicked my gaze between both Sam and Dean, and then back to Crowley. The demon still had that stupid, sicken smirk on his face as he also looked at Sam and Dean.

‘Here come the Hardy Boys,’ Crowley announced before standing up from where he’d been sat before. ‘Katia, if you would have warned me in advance I could’ve bought cake; this could be a little friendly reunion,’ the demon commented as he made his way over to Dean and Sam.

Both brothers’ had now put their weapons down and were just staring at the manipulative demon. It wasn’t until after I’d been to Hell that I found out about the relationship which Dean and Sam had with Crowley; apparently they go way back.

‘What are you doing here, Crowley?’ Sam questioned; he was the first of the brothers’ to speak.

Crowley barked out a laugh before looking at the tallest Winchester. ‘C’mon Moose, is that anyway to greet an old friend?’

‘Answer his damned question then,’ Dean snapped as he stepped a closer to the demon. ‘What the hell are you doing in Katia’s motel room?’

The King of Hell crossed his arms; his usual smirk still toyed at his lips as he moved to look at Dean. ‘Katy and I were catching up,’ was all he said. Dean then turned to look at me; I had nothing to say, instead I stayed completely silence whilst moving my gaze to the floor.

‘Catching up? You mean you’ve been here before?’

‘Of course I have, your sister and I go way back...some may even call us “best pals”,’ Crowley laughed once again as he turned back to me.

‘I’ve already asked you nicely,’ I hissed as I looked up to meet the demons eyes once more; with Sam and Dean in the room I had to choose my words carefully to make sure I didn’t give anything away on my current situation. ‘Get the hell out of my room,’ I continued through gritted teeth.

‘But I was just making myself comfortable,’ the demon smiled at me. ‘I was thinking, maybe we could have story time? I’ll start!’ Crowley called out; instantly my stomach fell as I knew exactly what he was trying to do.

‘Get out of my room!’

‘I was thinking about sticking with a subject I know quite strongly; maybe something like Purgatory?’ the demon decided with a manipulative smile; he knew he was getting exactly what he wanted. ‘Feel free to chip in if you’ve got any extra details, I know some of you may be able to relate to this topic.’

‘What do you want, Crowley?’ Dean asked for me; the look on his face showed panic also and Sam stared at his older brother as he tried to deal with the entire situation.

‘Katy knows exactly what I want, don’t you dear?’ the evil man continued.

I turned to Crowley. ‘Go to Hell,’ I spat angrily. ‘Unless you get the hell away from me, and stay the hell away from me, you’re not going to get anything,’ I continued; my voice was hushed as I didn’t want Sam and Dean to hear what I was saying or get any ideas.

Finally the demon put his hands up in surrender. ‘Just know that I will be back,’ he whispered back to me as he backed away from where I stood; he faced me whilst Dean and Sam were forced to look at his dark-clothed back. ‘This was a fun catch-up, we should do it again sometime,’ the demon announced as he put his hands down whilst walking towards Sam and Dean.

‘Go to Hell you son of a bitch,’ Dean growled in a low tone.

‘It’s son of a “witch”, and I’m going,’ Crowley muttered, the smirk was still strong on his face as he paced over to my older brothers’.

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