13- Drawing Closer

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I am so sry that I haven't updated in awhile. A lot of stuff happened in the span of the time I haven't updated and I lost my motivation to write over that time. I'm also sry if this story sucks, I'm tryna move it along and make sure it's actually good so I hope with what I have is alright

There also might only be one or two more chpts so enjoy it while it lasts ig. Anyway onto the chpt

⊱ ───ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ─── ⊰⊱ ───ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ─── ⊰

Over some time we have finally figured out what has happened to Mr. Todorokis oldest son Touya Todoroki. As seen here, a video from someone on the same beach that day made sure to capture every moment of what has happened. It's said to believe that the person that came up to him was the one who did this to him. They go by the name Sam Crawler (couldn't think of anything) this is a picture of them so please if you see them around call the police to put an end to them

This has been the 6 o'clock news. Join us next time to hear-

Tomura turned the tv off and put the remote back on the table. "He's all the news talks about and Keigo won't even listen" he scratched his neck in annoyance as he sighed. He looked over at his friend that was sitting at the table on his phone, feeling a wave of sadness and anger wash over him

"What are we gonna do then? His voice is to strong. He's to deep in the trance Touya put him in" Magne said as she also looked over at Keigo, feeling bad for him. "It's either we keep Keigo away from him or just let him take our friend away" Toga suggested as they all felt the same feeling

"Hey guys I'm gonna go out. I'll be back later though" before they could say anything he was already out the door. They got one look at him though and felt anger rise within them as his eyes were dull, made them look like a grey color. His golden eyes, gone like it was never even his normal eye color

"We need to just let this happen. There's nothing else to do for him" they all nodded and sat there in silence as they know where their friend is going

With Keigo

He walked up to the door and knocked, waiting for a response. Touya told him to come over today but didn't tell him why. Keigo listened of course so now all he had to do was wait for someone

A minute passed by and the door opened showing Touya standing there with a smile. "Hey I'm glad you came over" he said as he grabbed Keigo's hand gently and guided him inside. The family looked over and waved as the two boys went upstairs

Keigo felt his heart flutter as his face became a bit red as he was now in Touya's room. "Nice room. I like it" his walls were black with a bed in one of the corners with grey sheets and blankets, a dresser on the other end, a table next to it with his laptop on it as well as a tv mounted on the wall. Carpet on his floor instead of the floor throughout the rest their home

"Thank you I'm glad you like it. Here sit down" he closed his door as he walked over to his bed and patted the side next to him. Keigo nodded and sat down

"I have a question for you" "What is it?" Touya stayed quiet for a second then looked at the one he liked and chosen to take down. "Do you like anyone?" Keigo was surprised by the question but nodded in response. "Who?"

"I think it would be better if I kept it to myself" he said as he looked out the window that was next to Touya's bed. "Come on you can tell me" he hummed a bit just to get Keigo's attention and just like he wanted, he looked over at him. "Tell me Keigo"

"I like you" Keigo admitted as Touya smiled knowing he actually liked him back. He put his hand under Keigo's chin and leaned forward a bit, lips barely touching "You and me are gonna have a lot of fun in the water" with that he pulled away from Keigo with a smirk on his face

Keigo was left with a soft blush over his face and wide eyes. "Why don't we go downstairs and have some time with my family. Does that sound ok to you?" "Yeah it does" Touya nodded and grabbed his hand leading him out of his room and back to where his family was

Time skip

As night drew closer, Keigo said his goodbyes and left. Touya went up to his room, saying goodnight to his family. Once he entered in he went right to his bed and covered himself with his blankets

The end is coming

>───⇌• :🌷: •⇋───<>───⇌• :🌷: •⇋───<

Word count: 847

I know it's shorter than usual but I have no motivation rn so I hope it's still ok

I'm just tryin my best with writin this and to actually make this good for others. I still hope u enjoyed tho. I'll try to get to the point of what I wanna do with this so I'll be able to get it done and probably take a little break for awhile


If u have any criticism it is welcomed

All hate will be ✨deleted✨

Cya lovelies 🏳️‍🌈❤️✌️🏻

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