9- Your Demise is Coming Soon

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Aizawa and his two friends, Nemuri and Hizashi, decided to visit the Todoroki household early in the morning. It was only eight in the morning so the sun was up bathing the small hometown in a beautiful orange light as the sun was still coming up

They walked along the silent street, admiring everything around them. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Hizashi asked. Aizawa just nodded as they approached their house and walked onto the wooden porch. "Who wants to knock?" Aizawa asked in a tired voice as his black hair was in his face a little bit

Nemuri stepped up and took a deep breath, raising her hand and knocking on the door lightly. "Ok no one's home so why don't we just go" "Can I help you guys?" just as she was about to walk off the porch, she heard a voice behind her, having her turn around. The one who answered was the one who they were looking for and to speak to

"We actually came here to talk to you" Aizawa said. He nodded and let them in. It was only him awake but he knew his parents would be up soon. "Where are your parents?" "Everyone is still sleeping. I'm the only one awake since I couldn't really sleep" Touya said with a smile as he went to the fridge

"Do you guys want anything to drink? I know it's  supposed to be hot today" he asked as he got out a water for himself. They answered with a no and sat down. "Ok then. What did you come here for though. We weren't really expecting anyone to come-" "We wanted to talk to you about that doctor. And what they did to you" Nemuri said

Touya stood there with a glare towards them already getting annoyed and a bit angry. "I don't think that's any of your business" he said as he walked to them and sat down. "I think it is. What happened that day was terrible. We just want to know how this happened" Aizawa said as calm as possible

Touya didn't say another word to them. He just glared at them, anger written all over his face. "Can you please tell us what happened to you" Hizashi said. "No...you don't deserve to know" he said quietly. He rubbed his eyes and looked at them. "I think it's time for you to go" "We can't just go. We gotta know what happened to you. It's really important" Nemuri begged

"Why? So it could end up all over the news? So my family can have more problems to deal with when we go outside? I don't think so" "It's nothing like that really we-" he cut them off with anger lacing his tone. "Get out!" he yelled as he glared at them. "Fine we'll leave. But we'll get our information some way" with that they left making Touya sigh and shake his head

"Does everyone have an obsession with our family now? Fucking bullshit" he whispered to himself. His sister and brother came downstairs rubbing their eyes. "Hey what were you yelling for?" Fuyumi asked sitting next to her brother and laying her head on his shoulder. "Someone was here trying to figure out what's wrong with me. Like they were trying to cause our family more problems" he said

"That's not right" Natsuo said, his siblings nodding in agreement. "I told them it wasn't their business but they kept going so I told them to leave yet they didn't. That's why I yelled so they could actually leave" they nodded and watched their parents come downstairs with Shoto behind them

"I'm gonna make some breakfast for everyone" Enji said as he walked to the kitchen getting out everything he needed. "Some people were here not to long ago dad" "Oh really? Who?" Touya spoke up. "Someone with long black hair, somewhat of a dark purple colored hair I guess and a blonde. Asking about what happened to me and trying to get information from me"

"I'll deal with it if they come by again do you understand Touya?" "I do yes" Enji nodded and started to make the food for his family while the siblings and Rei talked amongst themselves

Tomura and his friends stayed inside trying to figure out what to do with Keigo but couldn't figure anything out for him. "I don't wanna lose him Tomura. He's one of our best friends" Toga whined while shaking Tomura. He pushed her away and groaned pinching his nose

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