6- The Time He Lost Himself

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All I gotta say is be ready for a long chapter

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The next morning everything seemed normal to the Todoroki family. The others were downstairs while Touya was still in his room. His door was still opened just in case something happened with him which his family was unaware of

"Do you think we should check on him?" Shoto asked as they stayed silent for a second before nodding. As they got up Touya was coming down the stairs. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, walking over to the kitchen. "We were just about to check on you" Rei said as she smiled seeing her son was ok. At least for right now

"Oh. Well you didn't have to even if I didn't come down yet. Trust me I'm fine" his voice had some annoyance lacing through as he walked back to the steps with a bottle of water in hand. "Your not staying down here with us?" "Why should I. You all probably think I'm a monster anyway" before anyone could say anything he was already up the steps and shut his door to his room

"What up with him?" Fuyumi asked as she didn't look away from the steps. "I have no idea but I'm gonna find out" Enji said as he walked up the steps. "I don't know if that's- and he's already gone" Natsuo shook his head as he sat back down

Enji made his way up the steps and towards his son's room, knocking lightly. "Touya open this door please" he asked nicely as he got silence in return. He checked the doorknob to find it was unlocked so he took this opportunity to check on him

"Are you ok in here son?" he looked into his room only to see him sitting on his bed with his computer on and headphones in. He looked over at his dad, rolling his eyes and looking back at his screen continuing what he was doing. "What was with your attitude earlier" he tried to ask but got no answer again

"I'm talking to you Touya. So you better answer me" as Enji raised his voice a little bit, the others got a bit worried to they made their way upstairs. "What's wrong?" Rei asked as she seemed scared but then looked at her son and sighed with relief. "He's not listening to me" Rei chuckled a bit and went up to her son

She took his headphones out and he glared at his mom. "What the fuck!" "Your father was trying to talk to you" She said. "So?" his tone coming off more rude than usual. "I don't like that tone you're using with me Touya" "Why can't you guys leave me alone!" he yelled as he glared at them, his siblings at his door while his parents are in his room

"Don't you dare disrespect me" Rei said raising her voice a little. Touya took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes. "Sorry mama" Rei smiled a little bit but her smile went away quickly as Touya looked back at her with fully black eyes. Blue nowhere to be seen anymore

She backed away from him pulling her husband back slowly with her. "Just stay calm sweetie" she said with a shaky voice. "Don't be afraid mama...please" he reached for her as he got up off his bed. He kept getting closer as his parents kept getting farther. "How about we just go. And don't you use that tone with me again" Rei said as they left and quickly closed the door as he banged on it

"Mama open the door. You guys don't have to be afraid of me anymore. I'm fine really" "I don't trust you!" Rei yelled as she held the door closed. "What's wrong mom?" Fuyumi asked. "His eyes. He's...he's gone" they all went quiet as they stared at her

"Open the door" Enji said as she looked at him. "Do it" she sighed and opened the door to see Touya standing there with a smile. "Come with us Touya. We're going out" with that he walked away and left the other's there

"Going where mama?" Rei just shrugged as she took one last look at her son and left. His siblings were the only ones left standing with him. "Just put a pair of shoes on or something" Natsuo said as he quickly walked away with his siblings

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