8- Fall for me Little Angel

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Time has passed quickly. There was only one more month till summer was over. Thankfully the only ones in school were Natsuo and Shoto so it wasn't anything to worry about. The only thing to worry about was their brother Touya and what he was doing to a certain someone in their hometown

"Do you think he knows what this is doing to the blonde kid?" Fuyumi whispered as they watched Touya in the kitchen cooking some food while humming to himself quietly. "I'm sure he does. I mean he's the one doing it so whatever he's doing, he knows what to do and how to get it" Natsuo whispered back. "Do you guys want some soba?" Touya called from the kitchen. The siblings went to the kitchen with smiles on their faces

Touya smiled as well and took some bowls out for his siblings. "I know you like yours cold Shoto. So if you want you can wait till it cools down" Shoto nodded as Touya handed him a bowl filled with soba. He handed his siblings their own bowls as well and went to sit with them at the table when he got his own. "If you guys want any just get some" he said as he began to eat the food in front of him

He felt better after he got some food in his mouth. It made him feel alive even though he is. It's a feeling he couldn't describe but it was a wonderful feeling to him. It was the first meal he ate after all that happened when he first got mixed with the siren blood and after all those experiments done

His family smiled at him as they were all at the table now with their own bowl of hot or cold soba. "I'm glad to see you eating again sweetheart" Rei said with a soft smile. After everything they went through with him being hungry for blood, he didn't eat regular food for awhile

Now that he is, everyone felt a little better. After they were done, Natsuo did the dishes and everyone else relaxed in the living room. "I'm gonna go out for a bit. You're welcome to join if you want"

"I think we'll stay home this time. Don't do anything stupid though" Natsuo said making his older brother laugh a little bit. "Trust me. I won't" he smiled as his eyes changed back to the dark color as he left

Keigo and his friends were sitting on the outside of a restaurant at one of the tables just talking. "So you said you heard humming and when you went to see where it was coming from you didn't see anyone?" Magne asked as Keigo nodded. "It was so weird to me. When you hear a sound normally you can find out where it's coming from or in this matter who it was coming from" they nodded

"Where did the sound lead you?" Tomura questioned. "You know the rocks on the other side of the beach? The big ones that you can climb?" they nodded again letting him know to continue. "Well that's where I heard the noise coming from. But when I looked up at the top as much as I could, no one was there" "That's a bit weird if you ask me. Hearing a noise but not being able to find where it's coming from" Toga said as the others nodded

"You don't think it could be who we think it is right?" Jin asked. They all looked at each other while Tomura looked a bit mad at Keigo. "What did we say about staying away from Touya!" "What are you talking about? I wasn't anywhere near him at that time. I didn't even see him" Keigo explained in the best way that he could while Tomura didn't believe a word he said

"Sure cause if you heard it, you were near him" he scratched at his neck and sighed in annoyance. "Tomura I'm telling....t-the..truth" he looked around as he heard the humming from awhile ago

The others heard it as well but covered their ears to not fall like Keigo was. Keigo felt a hand go from one shoulder to the other as the humming was loud in his ears. He felt himself going into the trance like he did that day and smiled at the feeling. He felt two hands grab his shoulders and he looked up seeing the blue eyes and white hair that belonged to Touya

They others uncovered their ears and glared at him. "Why are you even here? I don't remember inviting you" Tomura said. "Awe come on don't be so harsh. Wouldn't wanna get hurt now would we" he smiled showing his sharp teeth at them, Keigo still in a bit of a trance to even notice

They stayed silent as he tapped Keigo's head with a smile. Keigo shook his head slightly and looked at Touya. "Hey there Keigo" he waved at Touya. "Is there something that you need or did you come here for no reason?" Atsuhiro asked. Touya sighed and rolled his eyes. "I came here to see Keigo. I was out for a walk but I seen him and just had to come over" he chuckled with a dark smile

"Well you seen him so you can move on now" Tomura said annoyed. "I don't think I will. Keigo walk with me" "Sure" he answered as he got up grabbing his stuff. "I'll see you guys later yeah?" with that the two of them walked with Touya smiling at them when his teeth and eyes changed

"We gotta help him Tomura" Toga whined as she watched her friend walk away with Touya. "There's nothing we can do Toga. He's got him wrapped around his finger like a puppet. But we'll have to deal with Touya first before Keigo dies"

"So were you the one who was singing that night?" "I was yes. Do you like it?" Keigo nodded. "It sounds so beautiful" Touya smiled as he kept walking with Keigo by his side. "Would you like to hear it more?" "Please?" Touya chuckled and began to hum

Keigo smiled and wrapped his arm around Touya's, having a nice feeling wash over him. Touya guided him to the beach and walked along the sand as he continued but this time actually singing one of his favorite songs

Singing had a much stronger effect on Keigo as he felt a more satisfying feeling course through his body. "Your voice...is so magical" Touya smiled as he continued

After awhile he stopped and went to the docks sitting on the end, letting their legs dangle off the edge. He seen Keigo staring out into the water or more getting lost in his own thoughts. Touya got close to him and whispered "What are thinking about?". Keigo jumped a bit looking over at him. "Nothing just...your nice voice" he blushed a little bit smiling at him

"I'm glad you like my voice angel~" his voice made a chill go down his spine and he smiled. Touya changed himself a little bit, allowing his nails to sharpen and eyes change as well as his teeth. He felt comfortable with a little change every now and then

Keigo jumped back and moved away but got pulled near Touya having his head lean on his shoulder. "No need to be afraid. Just listen to my voice" with that he started to sing quietly but loud enough for Keigo to hear. He felt calm as he heard his voice and sighed

He automatically forgot about what Touya looked like. When he looked at him again, he seen him like he did. Normal eyes, normal teeth and normal hands but in reality he didn't change anything about himself. He made him see something that wasn't even there

"I think it's time you go home now. I appreciate you being with me today" Touya said as he stood and helped Keigo up to his feet. "It's no problem. I'll see you around" he walked away as Touya stood there and smiled

"My beautiful angel. Don't worry your friends won't even see what's coming to them"

>───⇌• :🌷: •⇋───<>───⇌• :🌷: •⇋───<

Word count: 1375

There's that done. I didn't know what to do for this chpt so I hope this made sense

I also don't know how to explain what's happenin to Keigo so I hope that it's understandable

Not much to say tho so as per usual

If u have any criticism it is welcomed

All hate will be ✨deleted✨

Cya lovelies 🏳️‍🌈✌️🏻❤

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