1- Welcome New Siren

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Hiya so I have an idea for Touya on how he becomes the siren and stuff so I hope it makes sense when I describe it. Anyway I hope u all enjoy the first chapter

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There was a rumor going around the small hometown that someone was taking people and using them for experiments. This left everyone scared to go outside or made them very aware of their surroundings when they do

Though some payed no mind to it at all. Especially the Todoroki family. They left it alone for someone else to deal with and didn't have it bother them nor have it ruin their summer

It was one thing that changed all of that though. Made them worry for each other, made them pay attention to their surroundings wherever they went and made sure they had protection over each other. At this point it wasn't something to look over anymore. When someone from the family was taken, that is what made them worried about every little thing that happened in their hometown

They were only out on a walk, just strolling along the beach watching the kids run around and play in the sand while others played in the water. Their parents watching them closely to make sure nothing would happen to them

That's all they were doing. Trying to have a good day for once but something had to mess it all up. The first one to notice Touya missing was Shoto as Touya was right next to him. He then told his other siblings Natsuo and Fuyumi which caught the attention of their parents, Rei and Enji

"What's this all abo-" Rei couldn't finish her sentence as she saw that Touya, her oldest child, was gone. "Where's your brother?" Enji asked in a worried tone as the two of them looked around their surroundings. It wouldn't be hard to spot him as they were the only ones with white or red hair in this hometown of there's

"Touya!" Rei called out as her nerves were high making her scared. "Touya where are you!" Enji called out which caught the attention of some other people on the beach. A lot of people knew who this family was. Knew them for always helping out someone else or even just doing good deeds around town

"Touya this isn't funny!" Natsuo said as he started to get beyond scared at this point. Not knowing what happened to his older brother just makes his skin crawl with fear

Other people started to help them out calling out for their son to see if he was around anywhere but with no luck. "My baby is gone!" Rei shouted as she held onto her husband crying

"Maybe he went back home?" Fuyumi suggested with her voice trembling a bit. No one said anything, not even then people around them who were standing by to comfort them

"Come on Rei we'll check at home and if he's not there we'll call the police and have them look for him" Enji said as he pulled her away and started to walk in the direction to their home, his family following behind

"I hope you guys find him!" someone called out to them as they said a simple thank you and continued on their way home

As soon as they stepped onto the property they walked onto the porch and allowed their dad to unlock the door. Once inside they called out for Touya again only to met by silence. "Where is he?" Rei said as she felt more tears coming from her eyes and going down her cheeks

Meanwhile with Touya

He had no idea where he was at or who took him. All he knows is that it's probably the person that everyone was talking about and only said to be a rumor. He was about to find out though

"Whoever you are can you let me go please. My family is gonna worry about me so I kinda need to get back to them" he called out as there was a slight echo as he talked. He heard movement around him but still had no clue where he was

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