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"Damn...all this back-breaking labor...gee I sure do wish I had a loving male-wife at home waiting for his girl boss to return..." I sighed dramatically into the phone.

"Please shut the hell up and never say that to me again." Sam chuckled on the other end, "although I am making you food right now."

"And I'll bet you're wearing that little apron."

Silence on the other end, "...Shut up."

I grinned, and caught Sapnap's disgusted glare, only making me smile wider, "Got a problem?"

He dug his shovel into the ground, and wiped his hands off on his pants. George continued working, but paused for a moment to look at Sapnap and I.

"I do have a problem - several, actually. First of all, I'm digging up sand for Tubbo, who has no authority over me-"

"Yet you're doing his chores." George cut in.

"-Second, it's hot as balls out here."

"Put on shorts." I scoffed, knowing damn well he's never do such a thing.

"Fashion, Aster. C'mon. And third, you and your stupid happy relationship is pissing me off."

A laugh came from the phone, "I guess I'll go then. I'll see you when you get home, beautiful, sweetheart, love of my life, pretty girl-"

Sapnap reached over and hung up on Sam before he could continue, eliciting a laugh from me, "How about Karl? Or Quackity? You hit it off well with them."

"That's the thing! They're freakin' engaged! How unlucky is it that the two guys I like end up with each other?"

"Maybe you're just destined to be alone." George commented.

Sapnap rolls his eyes, "At least my lover boy didn't try to kill people, GeorgeWasTaken."

I pretended to ponder it, "Ehh, I don't know. Quackity has done some...questionable things..."

We continued bickering for another few hours, while continuing our chores for Tubbo. The boy had requested we dig up some sand so he could have a nice little beach with Tommy and Ranboo, although Ranboo obviously wouldn't get in the water. I didn't mind, but I decided to make it more fun and have George and Sapnap do it alongside me. We spent hours in the sun, arguing back and forth about anything and everything, from how innocent George may or may not be, to who's slept with who in the SMP.

"Ew, Sapnap you're gross get off me." George heaved when Sapnap wrapped his arms around the brown haired man.

Sapnap just laughed, "I thought the same of your mother, but that didn't stop me."

They continued fighting as I began my walk back home. As much as I loved loving with Sam, the trek to and from the Badlands was not fun in the slightest. Before I could even reach the wall, it opened for me, and revealed Sam in all his glory. He wore a green sweater over his usual black tee shirt and matching black jeans, and his mask was hung loosely off his face, white his crown remained firmly on his mop of green hair. In his hands he held a plate of fruit, freshly cut and laid out nicely.

"Hi, sweetheart." He greeted, grinning under his mask as I walked in.

"I love when you have the day off, especially when I come home to this." I chuckled and took a strawberry.

We both walked inside, "Don't get used to it. I'm afraid criminals don't take days off. I'm lucky Punz offered to cover for me."

Fran ran out of our bedroom and into the living room where we were, barking excitedly and wagging her tail, taking her place on the couch beside me. I pet her lovingly as she climbed into my lap. Sam sat beside me and set down the fruit tray. His arm fell around my shoulders as we both ate fruit and talked about our day peacefully.

"Is this how the rest of our lives are gonna go?" He asked out of nowhere.

I shrugged, "Maybe. Some type of problems are going to occur with our luck, though."

"I mean living together like this."

"If you'd like, of course." His questions were becoming odd.

"I mean...just the two of us?"

I leaned off him, eyeing him skeptically, "Alright mister, what are you getting at?" A light blushed danced across his cheeks.

His hand scratched the back of his neck, "I mean, I don't know. I love you, Asteria, and I was just wondering...hoping...a family? With you? I mean assuming you want to, I won't force you to uh have kids and I won't like leave you if you don't want to or anything, or even marriage, I-"

I interrupted him with a hand on his mouth, smiling. What a dork.

"You're gettin' yourself all worked up, darlin'." I mocked his accent, earning an eye roll from him, "I'd love to do all that with you. I don't know how many times I have to put it in that silly little worrisome brain of yours; I love you. I don't want any other life that you're not a part of."

I felt him smile underneath my hand, and released him, "Interesting kids, they'll be."

"How so?"

Sam pecked my lips, "Two sexy hybrids. Our genes combined, the kids are gonna be attractive and badass."

I laughed, "Don't forget tall. Very tall."

His hands cradled my face as he kissed me again, "Maybe they'll have blue skin."

"Or maybe they'll have green hair." I hummed against his lips.

Sam chuckled, "Then they'll look like the sea monster from Luca." I laughed at the thought.

We spent the evening together, imagining what our future children may look and act like, and dreaming of how our wedding would go. Although I'd known long before, this was the man I'd spend my life with, I was sure of that much. It may not be as easy as we imagine it to be now, but he'll be my last love.


whoops surprise epilogue lol it was kinda shitty ngl

anyways ...what if I like...made a sequel😳

hahaha jkjk....unless😳😳

but fr let me know bc I already got some chapter written in my drafts

or should I focus on my dream fic since there's only one chapter of that

oh well sorry for disappearing it'll probably happen again I won't lie!!!

anyways I love you especially quillscout  <3 my love

-milfs <3

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