Ch. 3 The Maniplulator and the Master Builder

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TW: slight sexual assault, mentions of SA


Dream had left before I woke up the next day. I knew he went to see Tommy, and I knew not to worry about when he would get back. It simply wasn't worth it anymore. 

Rather, I spent the next few days without him doing whatever I felt like, and it was great.

A lot of that time was spent with Sam, just hanging around him while he built the prison. I seemed to uplift his mood while he built something depressing, and he kept me entertained, so it was fun for the both of us. Our conversation flowed naturally and we hit on each back and forth, making sex jokes and making fun of each other. He was a wonderful person to talk to. 

Dream returned after about three or four days. Despite his lack of boundaries around me when we were isolated from the world, he displayed zero emotion and rarely spoke around others. He walked right past Sam and I eating together on Sam's lunch break yesterday without saying a word, axe swung over his shoulder and mask set firmly on his face with his hood up, even on a day as hot as this one. Thankfully, Sam didn't question Dream's odd behavior. Dream and I was a subject we had yet to get into, and I really didn't want to anytime soon.

How I wish I hadn't spoken too soon.

I walked along the prime path, returning home from training, my sword thrown lazily over my shoulder. The sun shone confidently in the sky, but dark clouds threatened to disrupt the serenity with a storm. In all honesty, I was excited for it. Nothing made me happier than rainstorms.

On my way home, I took a detour so I could effectively cross Sam building the prison, in a simple excuse to say hi to him and maybe talk for a bit. I know - it seems rather middle school to do such a thing. 

"Hey, Sam." I called as I watched him meticulously organize red stone compartments. Despite his concentration, he shot a glance at me. His eyes crinkled into a smile. 

"Hi, Asteria. How was your training?" He asked politely. This had been a daily routine, so he always knew that I came here from training. And he always asked how it was. 

I shrugged, "Not much. Wasn't really feeling it today."

He nodded, "Yeah, I get that. I don't mind training usually, but it's not always fun."

"Woah, you can fight too? I'd imagine you look good doing it." I gave him an over-exaggerated wink.

Sam looked at me and scoffed in mock offense, "Of course I can fight. Haven't I told you I'm a badass? Also, I always look good. Almost better than you, even."

I rolled my eyes, "You have told me, but I've never believed it."

"Never believed what?" A new voice interrupted, and I turned to see Dream standing beside me. A newfound tension arose in the air.

"Uh, never believed that Sam was a better warrior than I was." I teased, in a stupid attempt to lighten the mood. The two men were caught in a staring contest, seemingly attempting to establish their dominance over one another. It was easy to see why they might have tension, considering they were both powerful faceless men who were a mystery to everyone on the smp. 

They finally broke eye contact, and Dream chuckled, "I don't believe it either. Aster here is kind of the best. Behind me, of course." As he said that, his arm wrapped around my waist and he held it firmly.

Sam seemed to notice, and his grip tightened on the compartment he was holding. I was more concerned with Dream showing any form of affection to me in public, however. I rarely got emotion from him, and now he decides to show it? And in front of the guy I was kind of pining over, no less.

"I could beat your ass any day." I spoke matter-of-factly.

"Whatever you say. I'll talk to you later, Ast." He let his hand slide down, before slapping my ass lightly and left, leaving me flustered and incredibly embarrassed. Sam watched it all. Neither of us spoke as we both watched Dream walk away, towards the Nether portal that led straight to Tommy.

"What the fuck." I blurted as soon as I saw his silhouette disappear through the portal.

"Oh, that was weird for you too? Good, I thought I was crazy." Sam chuckled uncomfortably and spoke quickly, seeming less happy than he had been a moment ago.

I put my head in my hands and groaned a long and frustrated groan, "I don't know, it was so weird. I'm sorry, he's never been touchy with me. At least not in public."

Sam's head shot up, "But he is, uh, touchy with you?"

I nodded, a bit ashamed, "Ever since the battle at L'Manberg, he's found every excuse he can to touch me. But it's only when we're alone. Otherwise I get no emotion from the man." I let out a sigh, "I don't know how to feel about it, but I think he's just worried that I'll leave him the way George and Sapnap did."

"Still, he shouldn't just touch you like that." Sam pointed out. He seemed like he was barely containing his anger, judging by how red his face was and how tightly his hands curled into fists.

"I don't know what else to do. I just let it happen."

Sam sighed, "Darlin' I know you care about him and want the best for him, but if he's touching you that way, and makes you uncomfortable like that, do you really matter to him? 'Cause he seems to just think you're his doll." He looked at me, "I know we flirt a lot and I'm not often serious, but you don't deserve that kinda treatment. A good person would never do something like that when you aren't okay with it."

I nodded. Hearing it out loud confirmed it, "You're right. Maybe I'll talk to him."

"That sounds like a good idea." Sam paused, before stepping down from the frame of the prison he's built so far, "I know I haven't known you for long, but I trust you and I want you to be happy. Being taken advantage of like that won't make anyone happy."

"You sound like you know too well."

He shrugged, "It's happened to some friends of mine. People allow themselves to be pushed around for the comfort of others."

"You don't?" I watched as some green strands of hair fell into his eyes.

Sam smirked beneath his mask, "Never. I'm nice but there's a reason Ponk calls me Serious Sam."


The rest of the day was spent holed up in my room, listening to the rain as I turned over every scenario in my head.

I could tell him to stop, and he stops. Win-win. But, I could also tell him to stop, and he stops talking to me or associating with me altogether. Win-lose. He could flip out entirely, he could just be really sad, or he could admit some secret feelings to me that I never knew he had, he could do anything. He was an unpredictable person.

Eventually, I came to the conclusion that I should do nothing. I really think that he's just acting out to make up for the lack of emotional support from anyone else. Maybe I could clarify with him that we're not "together", but I could allow him to be intimate from time to time. Or should I? 

"Dammit." I grunted as my fist came down against my wooden desk out of frustration, knocking off a pencil as I did so. It clattered to the ground loudly against the still silence of my small room. 

God, why did this man have to be so complicated?

Despite how much he's changed, all I could see in my eyes was the boy who asked if I wanted to spar with him. The boy who fought enderman with me just so we could teleport everywhere for fun. The boy who introduced me to George and Sapnap, even though they weren't a part of my life anymore. The boy who was my best friend.

A raindrop fell onto my window, accompanied by a few more. The dark clouds from earlier had kept their promise. A soft roll of thunder was heard overhead, and I took in a deep breath. Sam was right - I shouldn't be letting people, even Dream, walk all over me. Doing things like that against my liking was unacceptable, and I need to make that clear for him. 

Besides, a different masked man has caught my interest.


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