Ch. 12 The Round-Up and the Revenge

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a/n: today my dad woke me up and was like have you heard of my chemical romance⁉️ and I was like 😀yeah and then he started playing the black parade


"What do you mean?" Sam asked, eyes locked on him.

"Okay," Punz breathed, trying his best to relax. Sam was clearly on edge - the mention of Dream set him that way. He also was unsure of Punz, but he had no reason not to. I'd told him about what happened between us and he didn't seem to mind, he just said it was his "frat boy" appearance that threw him off.

"So, a while ago, Dream and I were talking. He said I was one of the most reliable people on the server, and that I'd never once betrayed him and have always been on his side, which is true, I guess. I haven't really been an avid support, but I never outwardly went against him."

"Well, Dream is the scum of the Earth, so maybe you should be." Sam mumbled.

I scowled at him, "Relax. Let him talk."

Punz sighed, "Okay. So, he told me that, uh...Tommy's out of exile."

"He is?" Sam asked, his eyes widening.

I nodded, "Yeah, Techno told me a while ago. Well- he didn't tell me, but it was easy to put together."

"Dream wants to make a trade with Tommy and Tubbo. Apparently Tommy and Tubbo have reunited, and Dream is offering their discs, once they win in a fight against him." Punz explained, "The problem is, Dream has no problem with killing either of them."

"Killing...them? They're - they're fucking kids! Tommy's sixteen!" I was outraged.

"I know, I know. He told me, he gave me $5000 to stay quiet about where he was leading them, somewhere remote, but I won't let him." He came closer to me, "Aster, we have to stop him, we have to."

"How? There's three of us, and even in a 5v1, we can't do that much against Dream. He's ridiculously smart." I pursed my lips.

Sam let out a sigh behind me, "She's right. The man has had people after him for years and he's never been caught. What could we do?"

"Maybe we can talk Tommy and Tubbo out of it?" I offered, but Punz quickly shot it down.

"You know Tommy - he never knows when to quit."

Exasperated, I let out a sigh as I punched the bridge of my nose, "Well, I don't know. I've sparred with Dream a lot but I haven't beaten him that many times, and he's never actually tried really hard against me. He'll beat me fairly easily."

"I'm not much of a fighter. I guess I'm just kinda smart." Sam shrugged.

Punz suddenly smiled a little.

"Well...we do have a whole nation of people who hate Dream don't we?"

I saw where he was going, "We've got a few nations that aren't a fan of him, actually."

Sam looked between Punz and I, "So what do we do?"

"I think it's time to round up some old friends."


I was sent to El Rapids, Sam took care of L'Manberg, and Punz went through Dream's area, seeing he was the most trusted person in Dreams eyes anyways. All we had to do was collect everyone and tell them to meet by the Community House, and from there Punz would lead us.

We were finally going to stop Dream.

Sapnap was already on board, already having the situation explained by Punz over the phone. The two were both frat boy buddies, it seemed. I knocked on the door to Quackity's house, while Sapnap stood beside me, decked out in full netherite.

"Hello?" A voice murmured from inside.

"Big Q? You in there?"

"Come in." He said, and I opened the door cautiously.

Quackity was laying in bed, looking at me with bleary eyes. He was shirtless and his hair looked like a mess - I would've guessed he had spent the night living GTA in real life.

There was no point explaining properly, he didn't look like he could comprehend a single thing, "Uhh. Dream is bad. Come with us."

He groaned, "Do I have to wear a shirt?"

Sapnap snorted beside me while I thought, "You know what? It'll throw him off. No shirt needed, but pants are required."

"Bullshit." Quackity muttered, getting out of bed.

Karl was next, but it wasn't at all difficult to convince him to come along. I had Sapnap and Quackity alongside me - anything they said, he was in for.

Punz and Sam and gathered a huge crowd and made a few calls by the time we made it to the Community house. Everyone was pretty much decked out in armor - except for me, who doesn't like armor, and Quackity who was shirtless.

Ponk ran towards me, "Hi Aster!" He greeted happily.

"Hi Ponk. Are you ready?"

"Sure am! I'm always ready. Plus, Tubbo is nice. Tommy is okay but I like Tubbo."

"Asteria." Greeted Eret.

"Eret." I said back, just as coldly. I have no idea why Eret and I didn't like each other - we've never gotten along, despite having been on the same side with his betrayal and all.

Although a part of me believes that his betrayal was the initial cause of Wilbur's downfall.

"Hi Asteria!" Puffy smiled, and I waved and greeted her back.

Sapnap scoffed behind me, "Someone's popular today."

"Jealous much?"

"Not jealous, I'm amused. It's obvious who the real charmer is here." He grinned, his brown hair and white bandana whipping in the wind as he spoke.

I rolled my eyes, "Sure thing Chadnap."

"As much as I love watching people get roasted for being a Chad," Ranboo spoke up as Sapnap and I continued bickering, "aren't we at a loss for time?"

"Yeah, we should probably go soon." Niki said, "how far away is it?"

Punz shrugged, "Its not too far. Is everyone read- you need armor?"

Everyone looked at the aforementioned shirtless man with messy hair, "I'll blind him with my sexiness."

"Damn right you will." Karl flirted.

"Alright everyone," Sam said as he held his trident over his shoulder, "let's go kick some green faceless ass."



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