Ch. 7 - The Manipulator and the Master Builder (Reprise)

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TW: violence


Sitting on the rocks, watching the ocean waves crash a few meters below us as the breeze lifted my hair brought a serene feeling that I knew would remain in my memory for a long time. My light t-shirt offered little protection against the cold ocean mist, however, and I wrapped my arms around myself. It wasn't long until he showed up, wearing his signature green long sleeve with his golden chest plate over it.

"Hello." He chirped as he sat beside me on the rocks.

"You sound like a morning person."

"Believe it or not, I most certainly am."

I scoffed, "You disgust me."

"Is that the feelings you have for me? Oh, bestill my heart." He moaned dramatically and clutched where his heart was.

"I'm regretting this already. Maybe I'll go talk to Punz." I hummed as if I was actually considering it.

I could practically feel his eye roll beside me, "Please. As if Punz could ever compare to me."

Silence fell over us as we both thought. I imagine it was about each other, but I could never be too sure of what was going through his brain. My insides were practically mush after overthinking myself into a frenzy about every possible outcome of me admitting my feelings for him, though I'm sure they were laid bare already. I just needed to say it outright, and we'd be able to work from there.

Sam worried about Dream and his affect on me, mostly regarding the whole "manipulation" and "being taken advantage of" thing, but it wasn't the touching that concerned me. It was the lack of remorse Dream felt for doing so. I knew Sam had emotions. I knew he was good. Dream, I hardly knew.

But the man next to me was a huge part of my life, even after only about a month. Spending almost every day at the prison with him made my days easier. He helped me with Dream, and he's helped me with Wilbur, even though it's been almost a year since. He's made a good impression on me, and I can only hope I get the opportunity to do the same with him.

"Why do you have to be so damn intoxicating, Sam?" I chuckled, "I think about you all the time, and I'm supposed to be a badass warrior."

I continued, feeling his eyes on me, "I haven't known you long but I know you're it for me, Sam. Through everything with Dream, I knew he was never the one. We've never kissed and we danced together for a few minutes once, but I'm so sure you're a good fit for me. Am I a good fit for you?"

"You are, Asteria. God, I felt so wrong crushing on you when I thought you and Dream were a thing. But I couldn't get you out of my head, I couldn't stop imagining the feeling of you in my arms."

"I know I haven't always been close with you, Asteria. We've only known each other for like a month." Sam said, still looking over the ocean, "but you make everything better."

My heart clutches, "I feel the same."

"And I know," he said hesitantly, "I know you and Dream have a rocky relationship, whatever it is between you two. But you aren't together."

I shook my head, now turning to look at him to find that his eyes were already on me, "No. We're just...friends."

"Then can I do this?"

He moved his right hand that he had been using to support himself when he was leaning against the rock to cup my cheek, as he now sat up. Though his gas mask was still up, he moved his other hand to guide my hand towards it. My fingers landed on the clasp, ready to undo it and allow it to reveal his face. His lips. He was leaning in, close enough to feel his breath. All it took was the affirmation of me undoing his mask for his lips to be on mine. My heart pounded at the idea. As I nodded and moved to take off his mask, however, a yell was heard behind us.

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