Ch. 6 - The Black Dress and the Brooding Mystery

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TW: alcohol

CW: gets a lil steamy ngl



"Ranboo can you even drink you're half enderma- oh my god, oh god, RANBOO!" Tubbo was shouting as soon as I walked in the door of the building that Connor told me his party was. Sounded great so far, as I walked in on a steaming Ranboo and panicked Tubbo.

Bad and Skeppy were hanging around in the corner, Bad looking somewhat like a concerned mom as he glanced around the room to see a lot of his friends drunk off their ass. Charlie Slimesicle was probably the most wasted, throwing his arm around me.

"How ya' doin', M-asteria-sness?" He slowed out the last word, so I could catch his stupid pun easily.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm good, Charlie. I can see you're doing well. You mind if I take one?" I asked, indicating one of the two shot glasses in his hand.

"By all means," he handed it to me, and I threw it back with no hesitation, eliciting a cheer from him, "SHEEEEESH thataway! Quackity made those special drinks, wonder what's in 'em."

I nodded slowly, glancing at Quackity, who was passed out on the floor not far from the speakers playing pop songs meant to dance to. Almost the entire SMP was here, but I had yet to spot a green haired warden. Charlie eventually left me alone, and I wandered further into the building. A lot of people were dancing, Niki and Ranboo actually being two of them, though not in an intimate way. Even Minx had made an appearance, though she just looked bored. Punz was mixing himself a drink at the punch stand.

Oh god, Punz.

A few months ago, Quackity hosted a huge party like he always did, filled with girls and drugs. His two favorite things. He had stopped me walking in the street and told me specifically to go, since he had never seen me there despite his invites.

I did end up going, I wasn't particularly against partying, but I regretted it later. The whole night I was drinking as much as possible and hanging out with Punz, with whom I had always been close. But, as it turns out, people make bad mistakes when they're drunk and he and I ended up going back to his house and making a stupid mistake. We woke up the next morning in his room with our clothes all over the floor and panicked. Since then, we hadn't spoken much, but I wanted that to change. I needed my old friends back, anyways.

Somehow, I mustered the courage to walk over to him. As he noticed me approaching, he grinned, "Hey, Aster. What's up?"

I shrugged, "Not much. Connor invited me here, and I figured I needed to let loose a little."

He laughed, "I'll say. All's you do is train."

"That's not all I do."

"Right, train and be brooding and mysterious."

Now it was my turn to laugh, "I'm not brooding and mysterious, get out of here."

"Might as well be." He shrugged, taking a sip of his drink.

I took a breath, "Hey, uh, the reason I came over here to talk to you was about what happened a few months ago..." I trailed off.

He set his drink down, "Right. If you're apologizing, it's no worries. We were both shitfaced that night, I hardly remember a thing. And I imagine I should apologize - it probably wasn't all that great waking up in my room like that." He awkwardly chuckled as he adjusted his hat.

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