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Allison's POV:

I woke up on Vincenzo's chest while he was still sleeping his hand around my waist. My eyes caught the clock and it was 11 am so I've slept for 6 hours. It went fast.

I looked back at Vincenzo and everything he did last night came to my mind making me smile. He was fucking me the whole night in different positions, it was pleasure and I loved it.

I placed a kiss at his cheek before I grabbed his shirt and placed it on my naked body. I can't even feel my legs. I sat on the bed looking around me for something to support me while I'm standing.

After minutes I gave up and slowly grabbed my legs and placed them down. I then grabbed the night stand and slowly stood up my legs shaking very badly.

"Fuck" I muttered sitting down again. With another sigh I stood up again and leaned to the wall. As I was about to take a steep his deep voice came.

"It's because I fucked you so hard amor" He said making me turn around and see him smirking. He looked hot his hair all messy.

"It's not funny" I said turning around again before I 'started to walk'.

Before I could take another steep further his strong arms came and carried me bride style.

"Let me help you" he said walking us to the bathroom making me smile. He placed me on the marble before he went and turned the tub on. He placed soap inside before he came to me again.

"I'm sorry piccola" he said making me smile while  his hands were on my waist.

"Don't be because..." I said placing my hands on his chest.

"I liked it" I said again making him smirk before he went to my neck.

"I know you did by the way you screamed my name" he said into my neck making me giggle. He started to place kisses down my neck while his veiny hands were resting on my thighs.

"I think we should stop because I will not keep up if you fuck me again" I said making him pull away and smirk. He was looking at me before he took off my shirt or more exact his shirt. He carried me again and walked us to the bathtub.

He placed me inside the lovely warm water before he took off his boxers and came behind me. His hands were resting on my waist hugging me while my head was leaning on his hard chest.

"Vincenzo..." I whispered my eyes closed.

"Yes piccola" he said into my ear.

"I love you" I said making a deep chuckle escape his mouth.

"I know you do...I love you more" he said making me smile before he bite my earlobe. Non of us said something after because I was too tired and he don't talk much so there was silent.

After some time his deep voice talked again making me open my eyes.

"When are you finished with school?" He asked.

"Next week but I still haven't chosen what I want or will in that mater or even wich college I want to attend" I said a bit annoyed. Everyone knows what they want except of me, I feel lost when they are all talking about wich university they want while I'm sitting like an idiot.

"Well you like too dance so do something in that" he said making me smile.

"I'm not a professional dancer and I don't want to have something to do with that to be honest" I said playing with the bubbles in the tub. Dancing reminds me of my mom and I don't want to remember her.

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