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I haven't talked to Luke since I was at Ashton's house. That was three days ago. He has been leaving voicemails, text messages, he has even shown up at my house a few times but I continue to ignore him. I just can't see him right now. I can't see anyone right now. I've barely even talked to Grace. I just need time to think. To think about what is actually going on in my life right now. I haven't eaten in three days. The only time have left my bed, was to go to the bathroom or to hang out on the couch. I've done nothing but think. I have a boyfriend, who doesn't know how fucked up I actually am. But I need to tell him. Luke needs to know. It was Monday morning so I had to get ready for school. I had missed most of last week so I need to go today. And I'm going to see Luke and tell him about my eating disorder. I was really nervous and scared of how he will react but I need to tell him.
I walked into my first hour and took a seat next to Grace. She wrapped her arms around me.
"Omg you're alive." She squealed.

"Yea I'm alive and I'm going to tell Luke everything." I sighed.

"Good good. I'm glad you're finally going to talk to him."

"Yeah, I guess it's about time he knew. It's getting harder to hide it." 

"So when are you going to tell him?" 

"I'm not sure probably during lunch, I don't see him right now." I looked around the room to see if he was here yet. But it wasn't long before my teacher had to start class. Luke showed up half way through class, looking like a mess. His hair was all messy and all over the place, his clothes were all wrinkled, he had dark circles under his eyes, that were more of a grey color instead of their normal bright blue. He just looked like an overall mess. Grace leaned over to my side to whisper in my ear. 

"That't the same thing he wore yesterday. And it doesn't look like he's gotten much sleep lately." Seeing him broke my heart. He was too much of a mess to even change his clothes. Wait today is Monday, how does Grace know what he was wearing yesterday, when we didn't have school. 

"Wait yesterday was Sunday, how do you know that's what he was wearing?" I asked her. 

"Oh, he came to talk to me for advise, after you decided to ignore him all weekend." Grace shrugged. "You know, he's been really worried about you. Look at him, he looks like he's been hit by a bus. And it's all because you won't talk to him. He really cares about you." Luke glanced over at me and I could see the pain in his eyes. Seeing him like this broke my heart. I really needed to appologize and talk to him. I just want his arms wrapped around me as he kisses my cheek and we watch movies and cuddle. But now he probably hates me. 

"God, I feel awful. I really need to talk to him. He probably hates me though, And once I tell him about my eating disorder he'll think I'm a freak and hate me even more." I mumbled. 

"No he won't. He doesn't hate you. Believe me, I've been watching him run around these past few days trying to talk to you. You just have to talk to him." 

"Okay, I will." 

My morning classes went on and I just grew more and more nervous as lunch time came near. The lunch bell finally rang out and I went to go find Luke. My stomach kept growling and making a rucus. I haven't eaten in three days and I'm starving, but I need to find Luke right now. I walked down an empty hall trying to find my boyfriend. As I turned a corner, I was met with a sight that broke my heart. I stopped in my tracks and my jaw dropped. I can't believe what I'm seeing right now. My head grew very dizzy, very fast. My mind started pounding and my heart started hurting. I heard my name being called out then everything went black...... 

{oooohh what's gonna happen? Sorry this was such a short chapter, it'll get better. I'm getting really close to the end of this story btw. Please comment and tell me what you think. thanks :)}

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