'Please don't say it. Please don't say it. Please don't say it. Please don't say it.'

He lifts my chin up, making me look at him. I lightly blush as stare into those crimson eyes. He leans in close to my ear and whispers, "Fuck. Katsuki don't stop." in a mocking tone. He then places his leg between my thighs, reminding me about the wet spot.

'FUCK HE KNOWS. That's it I'm definitely killing myself. Goodbye cruel world.'

"This will just be our little secret." He said before kissing my forehead and getting off of the bed.

He goes to his closet, grabs a new pair of sweatpants, and heads to his bathroom. He closes the door slightly behind him, leaving it ajar. (A/N: Pretend that each dorm room comes with a private bathroom.)

'This is so fucking embarrassing. Wait should I change my underwear? Yeah, I think I should. Let me tell Katsuki I'm leaving, so he doesn't come back to an empty room.'

I get up and head to the bathroom to tell him, but I hesitated. This can't be real. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. I hold my fist up, taking in another breath. I nervously knock. "Hey Kat-"

My knock pushes the door open, revealing Katsuki in his underwear.

I couldn't help but stare. I felt my face heat up. He was wearing all-black boxer briefs. He had the bottom of his shirt in his mouth, I'm assuming so he could see better. This displayed his rock-hard six pack. He had one leg propped on top of his toilet as he was rubbing a wet towel against his thigh. The longer I stared the more I analyzed his body. I notice that he had a big bulge coming from the center of his underwear.

'Did I do that?'

"Like what you see?" Was heard muffled from his mouth. He smirks and lets go of the shirt from his mouth.

I stood there, speechless. "I, uh,-" was all I manage to spit out. My throat ran dry as my palms did the opposite.

He steps a bit closer. "Yeah, my body's changed since the last time you saw it."

He was referring back to when we were little and used to take baths together. The last time we took a bath together we were around the age of seven. I used to sleep over at the Bakugos house a lot because my parent didn't want me around, fun times.

"Yeah, it has." I take a deep breath. "I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to my room to change since you know ..." I point down. "I'll be back in five." I turn around quickly, trying to leave as fast as I can.

"Can I watch?" His voice was serious. He actually wanted to see me change.

I look back. "What?" I could feel my face heating up.

He laughs hard. "I'm just playing. Hurry up, brat." He closes the bathroom door.

I walk into my room and head to my dresser. I open my underwear drawer and I saw my last pair of underwear laying there. An all-black, lace thong.

'Shit, I forgot I had to wash my clothes. Eh, this will do, but I have to wash soon.

I drop my dirty clothing. I take off my bra as it's getting uncomfortable. I mean who likes to sleep in bras?

'You can't really tell I'm not wearing a bra since I have his hoodie on.'

I put on my undergarment and I went to the closet looking for sweatpants or pajama pants. With my luck, I found nothing.

'I seriously need to wash tomorrow.'

I went to my bathroom, grab my towel, and tie it around my waist. I go over to his room. He laying in bed and he lifted his head up as I entered. "Why do you have a towel?"

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