Tactical Rescue

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Toko, Nagisa, and Kotoko who was riding Komaru's back were all advancing on the streets towards the Warriors of Hope Mansion. They had to stop a few times to shoot down some of the Monokumas. Nagisa led them to a trapdoor, he kicked it open and led the others inside and once they made it inside, he closed it behind him and made sure to lock it behind them.

Komaru: "What is this?"

Nagisa pulled on a chain and the light revealed a room with four mattresses and a futon. There was also a workbench, a game console with a TV, a bookshelf, small puppet theater, and a treadmill.

Toko: "Th-This place..!"

Komaru: "It's impressive!"

Kotoko: "Yeah! How long have you had this!?"

Nagisa: "I had it prepared in case things went south, nobody knows about this place so we should be safe."

Toko: "We probably should've gone to see the rest of the survivors-"

Komaru: "We can't! Who knows what they could do to Nagisa and Kotoko!"

Nagisa: "She's right, even though we're kids they'll take out all their rage on us. It could prove problematic if we show our faces around you two, they could kill you as well as us."

Kotoko: "So what are we going to do?"

Nagisa: "We have to fight back against the Monokumas, but for now we should get some sleep. We'll need to be well rested for the final battle."

Toko: "I thought you weren't gonna fight Monaca!"

Nagisa: "Me and Kotoko won't. The two of you will."

Komaru: "What will you do?"

Nagisa: "I have reason to believe Masaru and Jataro are alive."

Kotoko: "They are!?"

Nagisa: "The bodies were never found, and there was never any blood. There isn't actually any evidence to conclude they were even dead."

Kotoko: "So we can find them!"

Nagisa: "I'm only saying it's possible though, not guaranteed."

Kotoko: "Right, but we can believe!"

Nagisa: "If they're alive, we will."

Toko: "Sooooo..."

Nagisa: "We should get some sleep for now. We'll sleep in 2 hour shifts, that should at give all of us 6 hours of sleep, then we'll advance. I'll take the first shift, who's up after?"

Komaru: "I'll get the next shift."

Kotoko: "I'll go up after."

Toko: "G-Guess I'm taking the last..."

Nagisa: "It's fine, see you guys in the morning."

Everyone agreed and said good night. Nagisa stayed up in watch of the trapdoor. As they planned he switched with Komaru after 2 hours, another two passed and she switched woth Kotoko, then another two she switched with Toko. They were safe the whole night.

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