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Knock Knock Knock

Komaru turned her attention to the knocking on the door. Suddenly the small window had revealed a pair of pink eyes staring through.

???: "Tra la la! Hello there!"

Komaru: "Umm... hello- wait aren't you-"

???: "Yeppers! I'm Kotoko Utsugi, the fighter of the Warriors of Hope!"

Komaru was a bit stunned, another one of the kids found her.

Kotoko: "Don't worry, I'll get you out! Razorrr... WIND!"

Suddenly the door was blown down and flew past Komaru.

Kotoko: "Sorry about the door, I've always wanted to preform a Pokémon move! I must be nervous, I'm running out of things to say!"

Komaru: "Umm..."

Kotoko: "Yeah yeah don't sweat it, I know you think the fighter should be a boy. But we've already met, so you know by now! Hey! Did you know that slugs have both boy and girl bodies?"

Komaru: "No...?"

Kotoko: "Good because they don't."

Suddenly Kotoko got serious.

Kotoko: "Poppyheads that spread lies like that deserves swift punishments!"

Suddenly the little girl started recreating fighting moved.

Kotoko: "Shild Zack! Raiouken! Spinning Bird Kick!"

Kotoko attempted to jump and spin kick, but only fell on her back to the floor. Komaru was now more confused than ever... but nonetheless helped Kotoko to her feet.

Kotoko: "Starrreee..."

Komaru: "Huh?"

Kotoko: "Well truth is, I'm supposed to be hunting you down, but I don't want to anymore."

Komaru: "You don't?"

Kotoko: "I mean, my thoughts on demons are still the same, and I want to kill them as painfully as possible. Like boil them, or spin them around where they could be shot with a shotgun randomly, maybe drag them into a wall loaded with buzz saws."

Komaru started stepping away from Kotoko.

Kotoko: "Right, back on topic. The reason I don't want to hunt you down, is because you're so cute!"

Komaru: "I am?"

Kotoko: "Of course! Look at yourself! Your definitely cute, but four eyes in the other cell isn't. Just keep it a secret from Nagisa, he's super strict with rules! Like a 7:30 cerfew person! So anyway, let's go!"

Komaru: "I can't just leave everyone, especially Toko."

Kotoko: "Oh, I understand. But why not start with leaving the cell? Just one step? For widdle oe me?"

Komaru: "Ok..."

Komaru started walking outside, and that's when Kotoko drew a weapon.

Kotoko: "BANG!"

Komaru: "Huh!?"

Suddenly a pair of dentures latched onto Kotoko's neck, biting her once as she fell to the ground.

Danganronpa Another Episode: New World OrderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora