Another's Memories (FumiTodo)

Start from the beginning

As he peered down to the statues plaque his eyes grew as he read the name 'Shoto'

He continued to read findings out that he was a apparently an arch demon wanting revenge on the gods and now suffered at the hands of hell.

Tokoyami was shocked, that name was familiar as he heard it ring in his ear. As he walked out of the building his head began to ache and everything span around him until he collapsed unconscious.

Another scene played out as the eyes viewed a group of people holding them back from a light that looked down on them.

Shouting could be heard as they were dragged out. They viewed a person from afar recognizing it as the dying person from the dream before.

The eyes were dragged to the edge of before being pushed off. Tokoyami woke up with a cold sweat again viewing some of his friend surround him with worried expressions.

His teacher came to check on him and inform him of what happened as they walked back to his door and summoned dark shadow.

"Could you feel this too? Or at least can you see it?"

"Mmh..." the shadow nodded kind of comforting the other.

"What do you think it is? I though it was a dream but it all feels to real."

"I think that..."


"They are memories from that demon." They stood there in silence knowing that it was the most logical explanation.

Tokoyami looked through his books trying to get his mind of the subject when he found a summoning circle for a demon. He looked at dark shadow sighing as he walked to his laptop to do some research.

He stayed up all night revising the simple circle to one that could possibly summon 'Shoto.' Looking closely at the circle pattern he debated on whether he should actually summon the demon or not.

He was curious and wanted answers but what if he regrets it?

He drew the circle with chalk carefully with detail it wasn't for sure that the demon is would be summoned but if he did everything correctly it would have a higher probability.

He chanted the words to activate the circle and a loud explosion was heard. It failed so he tried it again. It took him 13 times before the circle began to glow and his floor began to shake.

A cool mist surrounded a black void that was beginning to form as it spread out to the rest of the room. The black void began to shift forming the demons figure.

As he completely formed the bird's mouths gaped slightly and his eyes stood with shock. The demon's appearance took his breath away as he gracefully touched the ground.

His dual colored hair was long covering the that scar that painted his left side of his face. He had a nice sculpted figure like a Greek god and as slim as one of their goddess.

His beauty was kind of intimidating and when the demon opened his eyes he was completely hypnotized in a trance.

The eyes he was seeing through the entire time of horrible memories was right in front of him. One being as blue as the sky and the other was gray as gravel.

Both eyes were listless and mysterious and yet they were also beautiful. The bird became doubtful for a second that it was the right demon since he looked completely different than how he was depicted in the museum.

Was he even a demon? It looked more like an angel than anything else.

"Have I been summoned?" The monotone voice broke him out of his daze as he nodded.

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