Drown Out (KamiTodo)

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Warnings: Angst, Some Fluff, and Mentions of Suicide and Depression.

If this triggers anyone please take care of yourself. If you have any of these thoughts I want you guys to know that even though we haven't met I think you matter. We all have rough times especially when we feel like we have no one to talk to or no one who understands.

It's hard but all we can do is try our best and hope things get better. It's kinda sad how things like depression and suicide are more common now in days. It's just a sad part of reality.

So take care of yourselves I know this may not do much. But hey we all need someone and you'll find yours eventually. Now proceed with caution.

(Credit to the original artist of the beautiful art piece above)


Todoroki was on the roof top staring down at the rest of the town thinking on how small it looked. The wind blew through his dual colored hair and tears rolled down his face.

He felt so at peace there forgetting about all the misery in his life. Soon after he leaned closer off the edge until he fell off.

His body piercing through the air feeling the weight of gravity. As he was about to reach the ground he became anxious but shoved it off.

Suddenly everything went dark and Todoroki woke up screaming. It's been a year since he jumped of that roof top and he has been getting nightmares since then, accompanied with memories of his childhood.

He wasn't sure if the nightmares were from the experience of pain from nearly dying or surviving death.

His thoughts were disrupted when he heard his phone vibrate. He received a message from his "father" with a command to come back home for training on the weekend.

He ignored it, getting up to get some tea to relax his nerves so he can try to get back to sleep.

He walked to the kitchen area and unexpectedly found a familiar head of yellow hair. I mean who else would be up at 4 in the morning except for him. (Totally not me up till 4 am, nope —.-')

He walked to the cabinet grabbing the box of tea as he was about to place his cup in the microwave the yellowed hair boy started up a conversation.

"Couldn't sleep Todobro?"

"Ya." Todoroki's usual monotone voice seemed more saddened to Kaminari. The dual haired boy seem sort of shaken and anxious although he tried to hide it.

Awkward silence fell upon them and the Pikachu wonder if he should ask the dual haired boy more questions.

Todoroki stood there drinking his tea feeling more relaxed. He then stared at the boy beside him curious as to why he was up at this hour.

"Why are you up at this time?" The Pikachu stared at him, the dual haired boy seemed to be more calm then before.

"Oh I was playing on my game console until I got hungry and came down here."

"Really? This late, we have school tomorrow."

"I know I just lost track of time." The boy shot a guilty smile at the dual haired boy.

"What about you? Why are you up at this time?" Todoroki hesitated unsure if he should answer truthfully but he decided not to.

"I was just thirsty and decided to get something to drink."

Something felt off to the Pikachu but he went along with boy's response. The dual haired boy dismissed himself as he walked back to his dorm.

After that night the Pikachu became intrigued with the dual haired boy. He became curious about him wondering on what went through his head. His eyes unconsciously followed him at the most randomness of times.

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