Comforting People (MonoShinTodo)

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Trigger Warnings: Angst, Mentions of Suicide and Depression.

Sorry for posting a bit late I got a bit behind. Anyways this ship is Neito Monoma x Hitoshi Shinsou x Shoto Todoroki.

Also this oneshot includes some Dadzawa and the ship EraseMic.

(Credits to the original artists of the picture above)


Monoma was hugging a tired Shinsou on the bed comforting him. The other was unable to sleep comfortably for the past few nights due to to some old nightmares that resurfaced.

For the longest time he had depression along with nightmares that spurred from his insecurities. The blonde was worried for his boyfriend since he had improved tremendously over the past year.

But everything seemed to be reverting back to square one. He pated the purple locks calming him down while saying sweat nothings as if telling him he was going to be okay.

The two were disrupted by the sound of the front door opening abruptly. They looked at each other for a second with a bit of curiosity before they decided to check out what was happening.

As the two crept slowly down the stairs Shinsou could hear Aizawa raising his voice slightly, he seemed frustrated for some reason. It was strange since he wasn't the type that gets easily irritated.

He appeared to be talking with someone. Was it Mic? Were they fighting?

He looked around the corner along with Monoma and saw something unexpected. Aizawa had been interrogating a boy around their age with dual colored hair.

Shoto Todoroki?

What was he doing at Shinsou's house? They closely examined the situation as Aizawa continued to ask the boy questions but all he got was silence.

Things were slightly getting out of hand and Mic appeared to notice the two boys staring from the corner.

He walked over to them quietly telling them to stay in Shinsou's room for now.

"What going on Dad?"

"We'll explain later just please let us try to handle this situation for now." The two nodded as they watched the man walk back over.

Before they went back the insomniac looked back over to see the heterochromia eyes catch his for a moment before looking away.

It gave off an unsettling feeling one that seemed too familiar. As they reached the room they sat on the bed and Monoma informed the other on his observation.

"Were those bruises?"


"I think I saw bruises on him they were kind of faint though." Awkward silence filled the room as the two tried to collect their thoughts.

"Our eyes met for a sec and it reminded me of myself about a year ago."

The blonde had no response he just grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers together.

All they could do was hope that their suspicions were wrong because they knew how horrible those type of feelings could be. They ended up cuddling again as they slowly drifting off to sleep and the insomniac uneasiness fled when he felt the warmth of the other.

The next day the blonde woke up seeing his boyfriend sleeping soundly for the first time in a while. He smiled letting him rest more before his violet eyes slowly opened.

He leaned in kissing the top of his forehead as they heard a knock on the door calling them downstairs.

The two quickly got ready making sure to wash up and change their clothes. They walked downstairs smelling breakfast and as they reached downstairs they saw the same boy from the night before.

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