Pure Stars (ShigaTodo)

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Warnings: Angst, Peer Pressuring, Profanity, and Mentions of Some Illegal Stuff (Not much it's just for drama)

This oneshot is inspired by the anime Higehiro which I finished watching recently.

So once again if you don't like the ship please don't read it. I don't want a stupid shipping war in the comment because that's toxic and no one wants to deal with that especially me 😒.

(Credits to the original artist of the picture above)

Shigaraki had just got of his hour long bus ride from Yokohama to Shinjuku City. He walked through the crowded streets to his shady part of the city where his apartment resides in.

As he walked through his door he let out a sigh hoping to release some of his exhaustion. He walked to the kitchen area grabbing a water bottle from the fridge before walking to his bed.

As he sat down ready to pass out he heard a loud noise from the apartment above. The noise was then followed by what seemed to be a yelling.

Shigaraki was annoyed and too tired for the crap his up door neighbors were doing. He got up with his hoodie covering his face as he took the stairs down and started to head to a nearby convenience store.

Even from the distance the yelling and crashes could be heard. He sighed into his hands to warm them from the cold night. After about two hours waiting for things to calm down he walked the streets looking at the sky.

There was something so sickening about how the stars shined beautifully upon such a sick world. As he approached his apartment he stared down from the sky to see someone crouching down underneath the lamp post.

The person had their face buried in their knees with a oversized hoodie. Originally he was going to ignore the person and manage to walk by as something caught the corner of his eyes.

He took a step back as he took a closer look before calling out to them.

"Excuse me are you okay?" Even though he didn't care about their response he wanted the to get a closer look the other to conform his suspicions.

As the person looked up his crimson eyes met with a pair of heterochromia eyes that shined like the stars above due to the slight tears that showed. He watched them pull the hood off swaying the familiar dual hair.

As he thought he did recognize the UA uniform and low and behold it was one of their top students. His interest was now peaked, what was he doing so far from home and in front of his apartment? (Coincidences yk \[•_•]/)

"Um well I don't know if you'd call it being okay...But I just got kicked out again...And now I don't have anywhere to go tonight."

"Hmm I see then how about I let you stay at my place tonight." The other agreed and thanked him for his hospitality.

The two walked to the second floor and walked inside as the crusty man put away his snacks. He invited the dual haired boy to sit down anywhere as the other thanked him again.

The dual haired boy unbutton his shirt and sat down on the bed patiently as if waiting for something. The man walked over with two cups of water setting them on a coffee table giving the other a strange look.

"Why are you just waiting there like that?" The crimson eyes grew with shock with what the boy said next.

"What do you mean didn't you want to do it?"


"I mean you're letting me stay in exchange for something right?" For a moment he just stared at him for a hot second before laughing hysterically.

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