Letting Go (BakuTodo)

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Warnings: A lot of Angst

You might know what this oneshot is about because of the title so just prepare yourselves...


Sorry... TvT

(Credit to the original artist of the picture above)


Todoroki woke up with a white light shining in his heterochromia eyes as he got up to check his surroundings and found himself in a hospital room.

His head pounded like crazy while trying to remember what had happened before his current situation. A doctor then came into the room with his assistant and checked that everything was alright.

As the doctor was giving his report to him Todoroki remember the accident that put him there. He began to panic being concerned that he didn't see his blonde boyfriend anywhere.

The nurses attempted to calm him down as the doctor informed the boy of the blonde's condition. Apparently the blonde was in the same hospital and was in a critical condition.

He was in a coma and was still in harm's way. The accident broke the bones in the blonde's ribs and lower spinal cord. Even if the blonde survived he would have been paralyzed in his lower body.

The dual haired boy broke down sobbing he felt his world crashing down. He desperately asked to see his boyfriend but he was denied until he was fully recovered.

He was left alone to process the new information while the staff left to help another patient. The boy was left with his thoughts with an overwhelming feeling of regret and guilt.

He cried for hours as nurses repeatedly checked up on him in a attempt to comfort him. The nurses finally convinced the boy to get some rest and to sleep for the night.

As he slept the event of the accident replayed in his head on loop. He kept reaching out to the blonde as they both laid on the floor thinking there was someway to help him.

At that time Todoroki had injured his leg while helping citizens evacuate a building that was being terrorized by villains.

Bakugou came and carried the dual haired boy after all the citizens were evacuated. A loud explosion could be heard and the building started to shake.

The villains had blown up the building's supporting pillars which was causing the building to collapse.

The ceiling came crumbling down as the blonde made a run for the exit. They were almost crushed at every corner while the blonde tried to make openings to the exit.

They made their way through until the whole building collapsed. Todoroki remembered opening his eyes to see Bakugou under a pile of rubble.

Bakugou had tossed Todoroki out of the building as the entire ceiling fell on top of him. The last thing Todoroki remembered was reaching his hand out to the blonde as he became unconscious.

The boy woke up abruptly sitting up as his body trembled. A tear rolled down his face as they continued to overflow due to the regret of not being able to help the blonde more.

If only he wasn't injured. If only he had moved to the blonde. If only he yelled for help. If only... If only... If only... he could've something.

The next two weeks doctors came in an out as the boy recovered. The same nightmare reoccurred to him every night as he woke up the same way with tears and overwhelming feelings.

He finally managed to fully recover physical but his mental health had declined substantially. The boy begged the doctors to see his boyfriend repeatedly until they finally gave in.

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