Chapter 35: Dodging Hogwarts, Part 3

Start from the beginning

"Is he still alive?"

"No," Eileen said, pursing her lips tightly. "Tobias Snape drank himself to death the summer before Severus' final year here."

" said before that he beat him. Why?"

"Because he stepped between us," Eileen said sadly. "Tobias only ever attacked me when your father was young, but one day he began stepping between us, and started protecting me. Merlin knows why..."

"Why didn't you use your magic to stop him?" Septimus asked fiercely; sounding much like Severus.

"I gave up my magic long ago," Eileen sighed. "Because of fear. It was because of that fear that I failed to protect your father."

"Why did you say that mom's dad never looked at her?" Septimus asked, looking back and forth between Eileen and Athena.

"I believe I should answer that," Athena sighed, as she too floated forward. "Aberforth, your grandfather, once had a younger sister, who looked very much like Katherine did when she was younger. Her name was Ariana..."

"Mom's middle name..."

"Yes," Athena smiled sadly. "Ariana was killed tragically when a duel broke out between Albus, Gellert Grindelwald and your grandfather. Aberforth had always blamed himself for what happened to her, and I believe as Katherine grew more like her, it was too hard for him to watch."

"But she was his daughter," Septimus stated. "He should have taken care of her, not pushed her away."

"I don't disagree with you, love," Athena said. "But I wasn't any better, considering I was working all the time. If I had been there with her more...maybe things would have been different."

"Different," Septimus muttered. "Personally I think they deserve an apology above all else. From all three of you."

Septimus looked down at the rock in his hand; a part of him screaming to put it in his pocket and take it home with him. His mom and dad could see their families again, and he could talk to his grandmothers anytime he wanted. His parents deserved to see them, and get the apology that they so much needed and deserved.

"It would not be wise my boy," Albus spoke softly. "It does no good to dwell on the past, and with that will only bring back hurtful memories to your parents. Why make them suffer, when they have been given the second chance at a better future?"

"But you are right Septimus," Athena spoke up. "They do deserve and apology from us. But remember, if the past had been would not be here."

"You don't know that for sure though," Septimus stated quietly. "Mom and dad may still have fallen for each other, just in a different way and time."

"Maybe," Eileen commented. "But no one knows for sure."

"Time grows short my boy," Albus said softly. "It is time for us to leave you, as this coldness settles in."

"Coldness?" Septimus asked confusedly. "But it's summer."

"Darkness is coming Septimus," Albus continued. "And you must be prepared."

"Prepared for what?"

"Drop the stone Septimus," the elder wizard commanded. "Arm yourself!"


"SEPTIMUS!" Suddenly, the world around him felt unnaturally cold and darkness seemed to envelope the area around them.

"Septimus," Athena said quietly. "Drop the stone, love. And remember that we'll always be with you in your heart."

"SEPTIMUS!" The cold began to bite deeper and deeper into Septimus' skin, and his lungs felt frozen and heavy.

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